Antique Tractors and related items
Place your tractor and implement for-sale/wanted to buy advertisements here |
ATIS General Tractor Discussion
This is the web forum equivalent of the ATIS mailing list |
SEL General Stationary Engine Discussion Forum
This is the web forum equivalent of the SEL mailing list |
John Deere
Here is where everything related to antique green and yellow can be discussed |
This is the forum to discuss anything related to Allis Chalmers |
Folks who want McCormick-Deering, IH, and Farmall specifics discussions should visit here. |
Farmall Cub
Here is where discussion specific to Farmall cubs are encouraged to take place |
Forum dedicated to IHC prior to Farmall. |
Truly Antique
Early steel wheel and track laying tractors, like Rumely Oil Pull, Best, Caterpillar, etc |
Tools, Trades and Engineering
A discussion area for the shops, tools, and techniques of antique tractor and engine repair and restoration. |
Computer Help Desk
Where Forum members can help each other with technical assistance related to the technology we use to access these forums - computers, networking, and general Internet use |
'round the pot-bellied stove
Totally off-topic postings go here. - anything you want! Just keep it clean. |
Charity Discussion
Here is where we ask questions about the charity and discuss recipients |
Forum Technical Help
A place to discuss issues and questions involving the use of this forum |
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