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Cub trencher

  • 3 Replies
Cub trencher
« on: October 11, 2009, 08:03:29 AM »
I genereally view Cubs as something between light duty home-owner machines and real farm equipment. I saw one on Craigslist today that was set-up with a trencher on the back and a blade on the front. Now I may have to consider them light industrial machines!:rolleyes: It looks very heavily built and would probably turn some heads at a show. I wonder how the trencher is powered, by an external hydraulic pump? The machine also has a creeper drive attachment.

Cub trencher
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2009, 09:14:11 PM »
Strange you should mention a Cub trencher, John.  I saw one last month at the tractor parade I went to.  The construction yellow paint was somewhat faded on the tractor.  I guess we could say it was in it's work clothes.  The one I saw had a dirt blade on the front, rather than a bucket.  The back unit looked similar to a ditch witch.  I am remembering probably four or five feet long on the ditcher.  Sadly, I just walked past the machine without paying much attention.  I only noticed it because it was an unusual item.  I looked through my pictures and I only caught bits and pieces of the machine in about three shots.  It is safe to conclude that there are at least two of them.

Charlie V.

Cub trencher
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2009, 11:45:33 AM »
Here's a photo I have saved of a cub trencher. I found this one at the Farmall Cub site. I own a 1948 Farmall Cub and I'm always interested in the many attachments that were developed for them.

Cub trencher
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2015, 03:16:19 AM »
Vermeer actually made trenchers using Cub Cadets as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNXHse_1JhY  There were a few companies that made trenchers to fit the Cub Cadets. Some used rather unique drives with the trencher powered by a hydraulic pump from the engine but the tractor itself was moved using the rear pto on the tractor to drive the tractors wheels from the trencher!