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Western Ohio Update

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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #900 on: February 16, 2015, 06:29:03 PM »
Just a lot of cold here and snow and blowing over the weekend.  Showed -6 here at 5:20 AM but other towns in the area were -10 and in between.  Made it up to +7 for the high today.  I took advantage of the heat wave to go out and plow up the new fallen snow and drifting from the weekend.  Could have used some blower work too but I did about 20 minutes of shoveling and called it a day.  The warmest temp. forecast for anytime this week is +15 and then colder again.  It would be good winter therapy to tie the global warming promoters to a fence post about now and watch them shiver for a while.  Aside from that, not a lot noteworthy going on here.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #901 on: February 16, 2015, 10:08:22 PM »
I am thinking that if Gene has not already done it. he must be close to fueling up his tanks for a little ride down I-75.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #902 on: February 16, 2015, 10:43:26 PM »
Your conditions sound similar to mine Charlie. Cancelled grain hauling for the second time this morning and hoping for later this week. Opened my yard and driveway with the tractor and snowblower on Thursday. Got one day to use it and then there was a winter storm on Saturday. Its still passable although I got stuck with the 4wd Blazer and had to shovel a bit at one point. Winter is getting old.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #903 on: February 17, 2015, 07:27:41 AM »
[ATTACH=CONFIG]789[/ATTACH]   Bought a new tractor, hope this picture comes through. Will be delivered this morning and will get more pictures.

Charlie, I decided to stay home and keep the home fires burning. I do have the gas tank filled though, filled it when gas went down to $1.92. Looks like they will have cold weather with freeze warnings through the weekend. Brother left yesterday, hope he didn't get caught in that snow through Kentucky and Tennessee.

Have had cold temperatures here the past week. Saturday was a brutal day with a light snow and winds to 48 MPH. Morning started out at 28 degrees and south wind. Wind shifted  to west then to north and evening temperature was 5 degrees. What little snow we had all blew into deep drifts with most of the ground blown clear. Wind chill was -27 degrees with actual temp of -7 degrees. on Sunday morning.

Watched a flight of canada geese flying west on Saturday. The wind was so strong they weren't able to maintain formation. The wind was from the west at over 40 MPH at the time so their progress was slow.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #904 on: February 17, 2015, 11:40:32 AM »
Good for you, Gene.  That little tractor might become your second right hand.  It should be good for clearing snow from walks and pathways too with enough wheel weight.  Will look forward to more pictures.

We got down to -11.6 deg. around 4 AM.  Not much wind though.  After that a warm up began and we made -4 by 7 am.  By 9:30 made +15 so that was fast.  Today and tomorrow will be milder, then the deep freeze again.

I am guessing traffic going South will be heavy with the Daytona 500 this next weekend too.  Probably a good decision to stay in Ohio and but a tractor.  :):)  


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #905 on: February 17, 2015, 02:48:05 PM »
Yes Charlie, guess the desire just wasn't there. Just enjoy being home and don't really mind winter.

We had -2 degrees this morning and up to 26 now. No wind so nice day to be out with proper coveralls


Got some more pictures of the new tractor. It has 4 wheel drive and 3 cylinder diesel engine. Got the mower deck off this morning so ready to play with it some this afternoon.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #906 on: February 17, 2015, 06:21:23 PM »
I am back. That's a pretty useful looking compact tractor, Gene. I had no idea Case was still a brand as all we see down here are the green ones and the lawn mower brands in that style. Of course we see plenty of the Kubotas and New Hollands.

Gehl has made some major inroads in compact construction equipment and they seemed to come out of the blue to do so.

We just had an ice storm in Upstate SC yesterday and last night and all heck broke loose. Power has been on and off a few times for a few hours at a time and general traffic chaos everywhere. Temps are not that bad today- in the high 30's but dipping and staying in the teens later this week. I have a friend who works for the highway department in Colorado. His job is managing snow removal and keeping their state roads open all winter in his district. He was making fun of us to me on the phone last night and all I could say was "does it matter if you are driving on 1" of ice or 6"? Seems to me if the roads have a solid sheet of ice that would pose a problem to anyone. Our problem here is that people insist on driving in it.

Anyway, we have firewood and a genset and some 12 oz fortification so I think we will be okay.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #907 on: February 17, 2015, 06:52:27 PM »
Good to hear from you Warren. Glad you are well supplied with firewood and refreshments. Stay home and let the crazies make fools of themselves.

Those pictures were taken today, so you can tell we are not burdened with a lot of snow. Cold temperatures, yes, only snow we have are the drifts and piles from snow a couple weeks age. Not much ice here, but just to the north of us there is still ice on driveways, but roads are clear. That may change as it started snowing here about 5:30. Just light flurries. Steve Sewell reported they have 8 inches on the ground at Athens. Bet he is glad he retired from snow removal at the airport. I have everything ready and I think that is keeping the snow away. Keeping the wood stove going and warm and cozy.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #908 on: February 17, 2015, 06:58:34 PM »
Sounds like a party, Warren.  You might need bad weather more often.

As mentioned, our high was +7 yesterday so went out and did my truck plowing and a few minutes worth with the trusty snow shovel.  Today we made +17 so took advantage of the short term heat wave to do snow blowing and a little more with the shovel.  Cleaned out like a park until the next blast.  I am nowhere near the Eskimo that Ralph is but it felt good to be out for a couple of hours in comfortable temperature.  (Did I just say that?? It is a long winter.)  Wind was very light so not much problem.

That is a neat Case IH tractor, Gene.  Great to have 4 WD and the loader to make it useful year around.  Thanks for the pictures.  I want one but I have too much stuff now.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #909 on: February 17, 2015, 11:07:04 PM »
Charlie I did some soul searching after I first saw the tractor. First saw it on the dealer'lot a couple weeks  ago and fell in love with it. Still had last years soybean money in the bank and decided this was a better investment.



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #910 on: February 17, 2015, 11:11:34 PM »
Should be a good little workhorse for you Gene. Reminds me a bit of my brother's 18 hp Kubota. It is a diesel 3 cylinder all hydrostatic with three point mower on the back. No front end loader though and I think that would be a real handy attachment. Charlie I know what you mean about getting a bit of exercise working outdoors in winter. It was only +5 in the workshop this morning so I did not start any projects there. Just feed the cattle and get back in the house out of the -30 wind chill factor.
Ralph in Sask.



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #911 on: February 21, 2015, 10:28:49 AM »
Extreme changes here as usual. Sunny with high wind chill factors today but yesterday was up in the +20s. I was actually sweating just driving the tractor. Surprising how much work it is constantly working the shifter and hydraulics, clutch, brakes and steering. I spent a solid two hours pushing snow so the semis could get in to the canola bins. Very deep snow and it was all the 2090 could handle to make it through. I was way over dressed for working in the cab but won't complain.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #912 on: February 21, 2015, 09:35:00 PM »
Almost to the road there, Ralph.  We slid down to -15.5 F last night before clouds moved in and some warming started.  Up to +25 today but more 0 degree cold on the way for tomorrow PM.  Last nigh twas the second coldest night I have seen this season.We may still be clearing snow come June.

Charlie V.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #913 on: February 22, 2015, 06:41:45 PM »
Have a slight warmup. about 30 degrees last 2 days. Friday night had about 6 inches of snow. East wind drifted snow right against the back door, so had to shovel it out to get to the wood in the wheel barrow. Only minor drifting other places. Wind died down and warmed up some so was able to get the new loader out and clear the barnyard and drive way and clear a path to the wood shed. Later got the 700 out and cleared a path around the barn and shop. Used the loader today to clear some of the heavier areas Little loader is pretty handy. Southern Ohio had more snow than we had. Guess they got 10 inches of wet snow. Forecast here for Tuesday is for -5 degrees and same for the rest of the week.

Had a director's meeting scheduled for today at Portland, but was cancelled due to the snow. Guess we will get caught up next month.  

Got the mower deck stowed away. Removed the end of the dog pen and put it in there. Tarp roof should keep most of the rain and snow off it.

Checked weather for Ralph and Charlie and looks more like spring time here compared to you guys. Have had more minus temperatures this month than I can recall.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #914 on: February 22, 2015, 09:21:03 PM »
Gene it was downright miserable here this weekend with wind chill factors in the minus 30s. I didn't do anything more than the basic animal feeding chores and then back in the house. My driveway blew in again yesterday with the incessant wind. At those cold temps the snow packs in solid and I can almost walk on top of it without breaking through. The driveway is going to be heavy going for the old 40 and snow blower when I get to it. Sound like warmer but more snow and wind for tomorrow so I might give it a day before I get at the driveway.
Ralph in Sask.