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Getting people to these forums

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Getting people to these forums
« on: May 15, 2008, 11:03:50 AM »
We also are growing in number of subscribers very slowly and I think the main reason is that no one can find these forums.  I got 9 more subscribers by posting a message on the SEL list which referred to a picture I had posted on this forum.  Got some more people here, but I didn't notice any of them posting anything.

We've only got a handful of people that post to these forums :(

I think to get more people posting, we need to simply get more people.  I'm guessing here, but I'd guess that any forum, popular or not, has a pretty small percentage of the subscribers that actually post.  The majority of people visiting forums only lurk and rarely post anything.

I think part of the problem is that unless we do something directly to get people to these forums that they are not finding them on their own.  As a good example if you go to the http://www.atis.net homepage there is no mention or link to these forums.  How are people going to find us without a little help in pointing them in our direction:confused:

Spencer.... feel free to post a reply and let us know what you think.  Were these forums just an experiment and you've lost interest?