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Western Ohio Update

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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #735 on: June 29, 2014, 10:49:36 PM »
Well it seems things are never so bad that they can't get worse. 4 inches in the gauge this morning and another half inch by supper time. I have never seen such high water levels. Lots of drowned crop and flooded roads. Culverts can't take it away fast enough. Water in basements in town. My house is ok but I'm pumping water out of the sump in one steel quonset. Just unbelievable.

Video links working???
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #736 on: June 30, 2014, 12:14:36 AM »
Wow, Ralph, that's awful--the video links did work.  Was your road at the second creek crossing okay?  Looked like you could get some bad washout on the downstream side.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #737 on: June 30, 2014, 02:06:19 AM »
Quote from: vinsond;2359
Wow, Ralph, that's awful--the video links did work.  Was your road at the second creek crossing okay?  Looked like you could get some bad washout on the downstream side.


Dean I expect that road might be washed out and impassable by morning as it is still raining. The municipality just replaced those culverts a couple of years ago and it should have been ok but we just seem to have so much more water to deal with lately. I guess I will head out on the trike tomorrow morning to assess the latest rain damage.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #738 on: June 30, 2014, 11:38:15 AM »
That sure is a lot of water, Ralph.  The only good thing about it is that it is not happening during freezing weather.  At a ratio of about 10:1, imagine how many feet of snow it would equal.  We have been more than lucky here so far.  Last week when the mid west was reporting 3,4, and more inches of rain we ended up with just less than 1 inch, and that came down very genital over a period of time so it soaked well.   The little rain we had yesterday from passing thunder storms was not even measurable.  More promised in these successive days.  Hot!  On our thermometer we are getting to 91 most days.  It stayed above 70 last night, possibly for the first time this year.  Summer is upon us for sure.

With the bad weather in Sask., Ralph, I will try to give you a chuckle.

Was watching the weather report on June 21, ( get that --June 21) and the weather gal stated that this has been one of the nicest summers she can remember, with temps mostly in the low 70,s.  

What a statement to make with summer being only about 10 hours old.  Hay Lady-----Engage brain before starting mouth.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #739 on: June 30, 2014, 02:30:39 PM »
Quote from: Charlie V;2361
That sure is a lot of water, Ralph.  The only good thing about it is that it is not happening during freezing weather.

Was watching the weather report on June 21, ( get that --June 21) and the weather gal stated that this has been one of the nicest summers she can remember, with temps mostly in the low 70,s.  

What a statement to make with summer being only about 10 hours old.  Hay Lady-----Engage brain before starting mouth.


Charlie, yes, sometimes the weather people need to get out in the real world.  I would almost rather deal with snow. At least you can shovel, push or snowblow it away and it does not take your road and crops out like rain does. That south exit is now washed out as of this morning and the photo shows the evidence . The North exit is still passable but the grid road to the highway has water running over it in two places in a mile. Even the paved highway 35 has water running over it at one point. Good thing I have nowhere to go right now.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #740 on: July 06, 2014, 08:47:00 PM »
Ralph, glad to hear you've been getting a breather from the heavy rains.

Good weather here this past weekend.  I enjoyed some good tractor time with both tractors:  The 620 to mow and to spread some gravel in a couple of low spots, and the SM to pull a bunch of heavy branches into a big pile so I can come back later with the 620 and mow some more.   They look pretty good next to each other in the barn.


Dean Vinson
Saint Paris, Ohio



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #741 on: July 07, 2014, 01:51:04 AM »
Thats a nice pair of tractors parked in your shed Dean. And they are earning their way doing chores around the farm. It has dried up enough here that I have got my flax sprayed this weekend. Still plenty of mud to deal with in places but manageable as long as we don't get any more. Severe weather brought up some hail storms and twisters yesterday but thankfully, not in my immediate area. It was dry enough to take the old International out for a spin this evening and I took a picture or two before parking it back in the shed.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #742 on: July 07, 2014, 06:00:19 AM »
Dean, the mixed pair look right at home at the Vinson homestead. Nice photo of the two.

Ralph, glad to hear you are finally getting a breather from the heavy rains.

Charlie must be getting caught up with the yard work.

Been keeping up on the emails and videos of the new 620 and the water on Ralph's country. Just haven't had any comments to make on the subjects.

Have had pretty nice weather here in Ohio. Just a few light showers and mild temperatures. Wheat harvest has just started. Went flying Saturday morning and saw a few fields that looked like a few sample cuts were taken off. Should be a lot taken off this week if the rains hold off. I cut my second cutting hay on Friday and now the forecast is for rain. Hope it holds off. Soybeans looking good and are knee high and very few weeds.

The woods have dried some and was able to get back to some wood I cut last winter. Only able to get part way back as still some standing water in the trails. Brought out a trailer load of black oak blocks. Too many mosquitoes to spend much time in the woods.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #743 on: July 08, 2014, 10:54:44 AM »
Charlie is not keeping up with much today.  One of those days where I got up only half awake.  Cooked bacon and toast for breakfast with OJ and coffee.  Still only half awake.

Among other things, I have been working on the 560.  Mostly from just sitting around and the bootleg gas, flow was again totally stopped at the tank outlet.  Took the bowl assembly out of the tank.  The gas was so old it resembled coffee.  Drained it out.  Looked inside the tank with a light to see that in is varnished up almost as it coated with spray undercoating.  The major flow problem though was something not expected.  The hole through the nipple should be about 7/32 inch but was filled with lime like build up so as to be less than 1/8 inch.  Probably naphtha.    And then.........Standing vertical was a brown maple leaf with stem lodged firmly in that 1/8 inch hole.  Guarantee I did not put that leaf into the tank.  Either it has been there for many years or I had some unknown help.  Anyway, got her running.  Quit again after about one minute.  Checked the bowl and the gas was black from tarry stuff dissolving in the tank.  cleaned the screen again and it is still running but am thinking cleaning the screen will be a habit for some time to come.  Started to move the tractor and noticed what looked like little puffs of blue smoke out the left side from the front grille.  Dismounted to check that and found it to be two small sprays on Hy Tran.  Shut her down.  

I now have the side panel off and the grill out.  Yes, it is a rusted through power steering line.  Large pit with little pin holes at the bottom.  As this line does not have a normal fitting on the end and goes back to the transmission with several 90 degree bends I am going to try a repair on it.  Pretty small piece to try braze on but I have some other ideas.  Not much to loose but my time by trying.

Charlie V.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 11:12:57 AM by Charlie V »



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #744 on: July 15, 2014, 11:12:50 AM »
Charlie , I guess by now you have that 560 fixed and in field ready condition. We are getting some dry and warmer weather here in Sask. now so I was out cutting hay yesterday. Nice crop with all the rain and the old rusty New Holland haybine did a good job. Sure glad I was in the cab watching all that itchy grass pollen exploding from the grass heads as the haybine hit it.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #745 on: July 28, 2014, 03:21:57 PM »
Wrong, Ralph.  the 560 is in deeper trouble than before.  I think I have the ps line mended with JB Weld.  Time will tell.  Rigged a temporary gas tank with a five gallon can and some hose.  Still had the same problem with running for a minute or so then starving out.  Sent some gumout spray into the carburetor.  That must have softened the settled tar in the bowl and clogged the jets.  Now it will not start at all.  Next will be to take it off and clean it right.

Nice video of the hay cutting.  Irregular shaped fields give you lots of turning time.

I have a bone to pick with Gene.  He has been so busy getting things ready for Portland that he is not keeping track of the weather.  While Gene was looking the other way, he let a bunch of rain sneak out of Ohio.  We have received a solid six inches in the last 18 hours. Guess we need to delegate Dean as the back up Ohio weather controller. :rolleyes:   Needless to say I am not finishing my mowing today and will not be for a while.  Glad I did what I did yesterday.  I have seen a few wheat fields cut, and a couple with the straw all baled and sitting or gone.  Mostly I see still standing wheat or fields with just two or three rounds taken off.  I can't think six inches of new water overnight are going to be much help.

Charlie V.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #746 on: July 28, 2014, 09:20:26 PM »
Charlie, sorry I let the rain get through. It was surplus to our needs. We have adequate moisture with the 2.5 inches Saturday night and Sunday morning and again Sunday night.

Most of the wheat is off and a lot of straw baled. Amish have their oats cut and shocked. My soybeans are more than waist high and blooming nicely. Cooler weather has been favorable for pollination. Many crops are behind normal due to late planting  and cool weather. Many reporting good wheat yields with reports as high as 110 bushels per acre, again due to cool pollination weather.

Been to a couple tractor shows and family reunion and the motorhome is working out fine. Nice and comfortable. Will spend about 16 days in it at Portland show.

Hope everyone has good weather for the last half of summer.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #747 on: August 01, 2014, 12:48:32 AM »
Finally seeing some blue in the flax field. It is a bit later than normal this year according to photos from year's past. We are going to need a good frost free August for it to make flax. Same for cereals. Wheat is looking great but also a bit late. We are finally getting a bit of heat. I don't care much for 80 degrees and up but it is what we need for the crops.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #748 on: August 01, 2014, 10:42:16 PM »
That is really nice, Ralph.  Blue blossoms.  At home we had a lot of Blue bells in the woods.  If any flax jumps the fence and crosses with the canola can we expect green blossoms??  :)

I guess that would be flaxola.


That is O.K. guys.  Don't laugh.  I am chuckling enough for all of us.  I do the self entertainment thing quite often.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 10:46:07 PM by Charlie V »

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #749 on: August 02, 2014, 05:56:48 PM »
Holy rice paddies, Batman.  Sunday night--6" of rainfall.  Tuesday--1".  Saturday afternoon--- 2" in an hour and it is still raining.  Enough already.  It is too wet out there.
