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July 4th start up

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July 4th start up
« on: July 05, 2011, 09:07:39 AM »
With the ground now firm enough for bar tire traffic, I have finally gotten around to starting and moving some of the collectors.  Dug out the IH cub first and checked it out.  That always fires with just a touch of the starter so I drove it around some to stir it's juices and parked it by the garage to allow a good mowing of the normal parking area.  The next day came the pretty JD model H which fired off on about the third flywheel turn over compression.  Following that was the JD model L which has been moved several times this year already.  

The last tractor in that little group was the 1930 McCormick Deering 10-20.  July 4th seemed like a good time to rattle the neighborhood with the unmuffled exhaust that goes right out the pipe on the left side.  (One time I forgot to warn my DIL not to stand three feet in front of that pipe when I cranked it up.  She got quite a surprise.)  That, like the JD H had not been run since last fall.  After unbundling, dealing with a few Hornets. adding some gas, oiling the valve train and giving it a general check over I was ready for the crank.  I know not to choke this one unless it won't start without as when not under load it runs a little rich.  Not to be out done by those green and yellow tractors, the old girl started right off on the first lift of the crank and the first click of the mag.  With good behavior like that, she got a wash job and a drive around before being parked, just like the others.

Now I intend to leave them uncovered for a few days to enjoy looking at them before returning them to seclusion.

Charlie V.

July 4th start up
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2011, 08:58:08 PM »
Great way to spend the holiday, Charlie. I spent a 4 day weekend fly-in camping in Minnesota. Had a good flight both ways, but no cooperation from the winds. Weather there was hot and a brief thunder storm on Friday evening, but only about 1/4 inch of rain. Just enough to make the mosquitos active, as if they needed any encouragement. Got skeeter bites all over, even places it is not polite to scratch.

Tomorrow, I will be taking 2 tractors to Greenville, Ohio for the show there. Will take the LA first with the truck and come back and get the motor home and the VC and golf cart. The LA is loaded and waiting. Promises to be a dry weekend for the show.


July 4th start up
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2011, 09:50:02 PM »
I would guess that by now the skeeter bites have stopped itching, Gene.  You looked like total enjoyment in the picture and video posted by Dean Vision from the Greenville show.  The weather looked fine also.

Here in NY we had the two cylinder Expo ten.

The show is about finishing up as I do this post.  The weather has been sunny and comfortable.  I spent the day there on Thursday.  I was not sure if I could make it with my bad leg, but with care it held up O.K.  I spent close to four hours haunting the flea market / parts area and was fortunate to find some needed items at affordable prices.  At the top of my list was a good gearshift quadrant for the 1939 JD model H as mine is quite worn.  As good luck would have it I found a good one at the first vendor I shopped, still attached to the transmission cover with the steering post, throttle lever, etc. so I now have some extra spare parts.  Another item that really was not on my list but brought home anyway is a really decent pair of used fenders for JD model L.  That is great as one of mine is heavily rusted through and the other has been bent and bruised.  When cleaned , painted and installed they will be a big improvement.

You will see here that not everyone from Ohio stayed in Ohio.  The Ohio Two Cylinder group looked well represented.

I also met nice folks from around NY, Maryland, Virginia and Georgia.

The tractor show itself had the usual extensive assortment of machines and equipment that is expected at a show of this quality.  It is great that so many are willing and able to exhibit.  Below is one example of a fine classic exhibit.  I might add that it is parked not far from two perfect Waterloo Boy tractors.

My only disappointment with this Expo is that I was not able to spend the other two days there.

Charlie V.



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July 4th start up
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2011, 12:39:06 AM »
Looks like it was a good show Charlie. Gene's LA video running the saw was great too.
Ralph in Sask.

July 4th start up
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2011, 09:43:36 PM »
Charlie, looks like you had a good time at the expo. I know some of the Ohio group who always make the trip to N.Y. and the sister show in Springfield, Ohio. Neighbor up the road has a Waterloo boy and likely had it out there. He shows it locally and runs it occasionally on a small threshing machine. Several from my old club in Newark make the trip every year.

Had a good time at Greenvile. I really appreciated Dean's video and will send the link to the Fox brothers so they can watch it.

I was sure I had my camera somewhere, but didn't locate it, so didn't get any pictures.
