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Western Ohio Update

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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1110 on: February 28, 2016, 01:45:27 PM »
Gene, good to see you are hard at work getting firewood. I did a little of that again yesterday helping branch the logs after the guys chain sawed them down. Later helped take away blocks from the splitter. Some of the bigger blocks needed splitting but it is easy with this hydraulic powered one my brother built. Hoped to get some video but just got this still shot.
Dean, the Wisconsin I referred to is the 65 year old V4 engine off my Dad's first Case combine. It sits inside the "engine room", an old granary. Belt runs through the wall to run the saw. There is no name on the saw that I know of.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1111 on: March 04, 2016, 09:43:12 AM »
Western Logan County turned white over night. Had a light snow all day Thursday, but most melted as soon as it came down. About dark last night the snow started accomulating and light snow most of the night. Only about 2 inches of wet snow this morning. Forecast is for much warmer weather the next few and then almost daily rain next week. Spring is not far off. Just going to let nature take care of the snow removal.

Rain earlier in the week has left a lot of standing water. Ground froze enough that I was able to get to the woods and hauled a small load of the oak i have split. Wet mixture of sleet and snow made it uncomfortable, so settled for about 3/4 trailer load to be sure I could get up the hills. No problem.

Finally got the truck running on Wednesday. I kick myself for what I found. I thought I had checked all the electric circuits and ohmed out alright. I neglected to check the injector solenoid for short to ground. Repair would have been a 30 minute job and a $50.00 part. I have learned a lot about Cummins common rail injection system.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1112 on: March 06, 2016, 07:41:44 PM »
Gene, glad to hear you got the truck problem solved!  You know your way around diesels mighty well, I'd say--I'd need a week-long Modern Diesels 101 course to even begin to know where to look.

We had similar blanket of wet snow Friday morning, not quite as much as you had.  Pretty much all gone now, maybe a few little patches left here or there where it had drifted up.  I always like to see all the seasons come, but it doesn't take much of a winter (and this one wasn't much of a winter) to make me think "Okay, it'll be nice when spring comes."

I tinkered with the 3600 for a while this evening after spending most of the day on projects in the house.  Changed the antifreeze mostly on general principle since I didn't like the look of the stuff that was in it although it tested fine.  Right brake doesn't seem very strong so I played with the adjustment a little with the tractor sitting in the barn, but by then it was getting close to dinner time so I didn't take it back out to see if there's any improvement; probably be next weekend before I have time.   At this point I'm mostly just enjoying the process of getting familiar with it.

Dean Vinson
Saint Paris, Ohio



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1113 on: March 07, 2016, 01:56:25 PM »
Quote from: vinsond;2793

I tinkered with the 3600 for a while this evening after spending most of the day on projects in the house.  Changed the antifreeze mostly on general principle since I didn't like the look of the stuff that was in it although it tested fine.  Right brake doesn't seem very strong so I played with the adjustment a little with the tractor sitting in the barn, but by then it was getting close to dinner time so I didn't take it back out to see if there's any improvement; probably be next weekend before I have time.   At this point I'm mostly just enjoying the process of getting familiar with it.

Dean Vinson
Saint Paris, Ohio

Dean, I forgot to comment on what a nice looking tractor your Ford is. Should be real handy for you.
We are enjoying spring like weather here with record breaking high on the weekend. I'm still in the snow belt here but 20 miles South there is hardly any left at all. We hit up into the 50s on Saturday so that was nice but not normal. Still near a foot and a half of ice on the sloughs yesterday when I checked.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1114 on: March 11, 2016, 11:02:37 AM »
Thanks, Ralph.  Back in the late 70s I worked for a farmer who had a then-new Ford 4600 and I always thought it was a really good tractor, and then a couple of years ago I looked briefly at a 3600 when I was first settling into the farm here.  Didn't buy that one but didn't forget it either, and have been casually paying attention to ads for them ever since.  Saw this one and just decided the time was right.

It's in the 50s F here today and the rain from the past few days has stopped.  I'm going to work on some erosion control on my dinky little stream through the pasture, where it passes under my fence by the road.  Had 20 tons of riprap delivered yesterday and can load it into my little trailer with the Kubota, but unloading and placing it looks like it'll be entirely a manual process.  We'll see how much I get done.


[Update as of about 6 pm... moved maybe a fourth of that pile, maybe less.  Figure I'll sleep pretty well tonight.]


Saint Paris, Ohio
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 05:57:38 PM by vinsond »

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1115 on: March 27, 2016, 06:41:41 PM »
Dean, looks like the Ford is doing a fine job with its new job. Hope Ralph is finally losing the snow and frost in the ground. Drying up nicely here. Amish neighbors all have their oats planted and starting to spread manure. little too wet for the tractors on the ground. Next door neighbor cultivated some ground earlier this week but was too tough to work it down and plant it. Getting about time to get the lawn mowers out,

Took advantage up last week'e warm, dry weather and hauled the rest of the oak firewood hauled up to the barn. should be a nice warm winter.





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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1116 on: March 30, 2016, 10:51:56 AM »
Early spring here in Sask. although we did see a replay of winter a week ago. Hardly a sign of snow left now though as temps get up in the 40s most days. Nice to be able to work in the shop with bare hands and not freeze.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1117 on: April 03, 2016, 10:46:47 AM »
Ralph, sure glad you are getting some spring weather. We have had almost constant raw winds here. Wind speeds at 50 mph or more. Been almost every day. I have cleaned up the tree limbs from the lawn 3 times this week and yesterday's winds have blown more down to be picked up. My maple trees will be bald before the winds abate. more 35 MPH winds forecast for today. TV station showed scenes from Union county where the electric poles were blown over about 45 degrees for quite a distance. Union county is the next county east of me. West of us in Mercer county U.S. rt127 is closed with downed poles and trees. actually had snow showers yesterday afternoon with the 50 MPH winds. I did take advantage of the one good day on Wednesday and got the lawn mowed for the first time. Forecast for more cold weather all this week. Hope spring comes back.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1118 on: April 03, 2016, 11:14:01 AM »
Quote from: Gene Dotson;2798
Union county is the next county east of me. West of us in Mercer county U.S. rt127 is closed with downed poles and trees. actually had snow showers yesterday afternoon with the 50 MPH winds. I did take advantage of the one good day on Wednesday and got the lawn mowed for the first time. Forecast for more cold weather all this week. Hope spring comes back.


Looks like we have had a better week in Sask. than you Gene. We hit over 60degrees yesterday. I was a little over dressed and found it hot working around the yard. Day before was so nice I took the Merc out for a spin to test out the new brake parts I've put on. I could have driven with open windows, if the windows would open. :D
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1119 on: April 10, 2016, 06:11:21 AM »
Hard to believe I have burned more firewood from mid march to now than in December. More freezing weather and very strong winds. More wind than I remember. Gave up on picking up limbs from the trees till the grass needs mowing again. Had snow showers Saturday morning and later in the afternoon. Just a light coating on the ground. Dean had a little more.

Closed out the deal on the airplane yesterday, so no longer an airplane owner. It will be going to a good home and not too far away.

I have wanted to replace my Gravely Pro master 300  lawnmower. Have wanted a Pro Master 350 and located one on Craigslist in southern Ohio, so will take the truck and trailer this afternoon and likely bring it home. Will be an easier mower to drive with better wheel arrangement and power steering. Has a 23 horsepower Kawasaki engine and 60 inch deck.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1120 on: April 11, 2016, 10:23:50 PM »
Gene you will have to get yourself a "drone" now so you can still fly and take pictures. I'd like to get one some day for shooting pictures and videos.
Been some real extremes here lately with a couple of warm days and then cold, wind and snow flurries. Ground frozen hard this morning and barely thawed out in the shade today. Better things tomorrow they say. Still a long way from gardening or grass cutting here.
Ralph in Sask.



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1121 on: July 25, 2016, 03:27:14 PM »
Just checkingto see if the forum is still alive. No replies since my last comment on April 11 and here it is July 25. Hot summer day here. Almost too hot to work when its over 80 unless I'm in an air conditioned cab.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1122 on: July 26, 2016, 12:15:52 PM »
Hi Ralph. Glad to finally see a post on this forum. I have sure let down my end. The older I get the more difficult it is to keep up with things. This summer is going down the tubes for me As my wife fell and broke her second hip a month ago. (broke the first one five years ago). Her care has been all consuming for me.  I do not believe in nursing homes.  Care should be given by loved ones as much as possible.  Being out of the home and loaded with drugs is even more disturbing for folks who already have memory issues.  With her discharge after five days in the hospital I brought he home.  Even her care there was not all that good.  Things in the health care area have taken a decline from what they were even three years ago.

 As she recovers the burden eases a little for me.  I have to get out soon and install a new pair of front tires on the zero turn mower.  Finally got some rain yesterday. The grass might soon come back to llife. There was more but l lost it to send from this dumb phone.


On the computer now!  The rest of my post went something like:
It has been very hot and dry here too.  Even weeds are not growing much.  Numerous days in the 90's and a lot of drying breeze.  

I have missed talking with you men and keeping up with what is happening in your worlds.  Hope Gene and Dean are well.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 02:07:54 PM by Charlie V »



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1123 on: July 27, 2016, 01:43:48 AM »
Charlie, sorry to hear about your wife's health issues. I can see how that would keep you busy. I think I've seen a comment or two from Gene on the old ATIS list but it could be longer ago than I realize. It usually is.
We have had ample rain here to grow good grass but not so much as to be a problem like it has in the past few years. Crops are off to a good start and if we miss the hail it should be a good one.
No doubt some are tired of seeing the many pictures I take of my dad's old 52 Mercury but I never get tired of it. This shot from a week or two ago is my favourite.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1124 on: July 28, 2016, 12:20:02 PM »

Your picture is an awesome nature shot even without the Mercury, but better with it.  Good to see that you are getting a lot of enjoyment from the old girl.
