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Denis Rouleau's Engine Web pages

  • 1 Replies
Denis Rouleau's Engine Web pages
« on: January 06, 2008, 12:36:25 PM »
Visit my engine web site with hundreds of pages and thousands of engine pictures:
Thanks! Denis Rouleau

Denis Rouleau's Engine Web pages
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 04:37:25 PM »

I was looking at your Fairbanks Morse Jack Jr page.

I currently have a Jack Jr and had another one for many years until I sold it a couple years ago.

My first one was a 1909 one which was painted red, while my current one is a couple years newer and is green.

Another difference is the plugs in the water hopper over the two valves.

On my older one, the plug had a recessed socket, while on the newer one is raised and a regular socket can be used to unscrew them.

I noticed on the engine you have pictured, that there is a third style of plug.
