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Ready for winter

  • 2 Replies
Ready for winter
« on: October 07, 2009, 12:51:41 PM »
I've had my 18hp screen cooled Stover sitting outside all summer.
Decided this past weekend to move it under cover under a lean-to on one side of the barn.  The advantage of that is it is out of the weather but still in a place I can start it if I want to run it.

Last night I ran it a bit, then drained the water.  So it should be good for the winter.  The temps were getting down towards the lower 30's lately and I didn't want to forget about the water in the cooling system and end up with a cracked cylinder or head.

I've been pretty lucky over the years as I don't think I've ever had anything crack due to freezing temps.  Been pretty good about draining plain water out of things or keeping antifreeze in the ones I use during the winter.

Ready for winter
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2009, 06:36:06 PM »
Good move, George.  A big freeze crack would surely be a heart breaker.  I drained one tractor last week for the same reasons.  It had clear water because I had been working on some leaks in the radiator.  Now I have decided I want to replace the head gasket before I charge the system with anti freeze. All of the other euipment I have will already have anti freeze, but I like to retest the strength annually to be sure.  We had ice on windshields two weeks ago, but no overnight hard freezes so far.  Now batteries this winter will be another whole issue.  I have ten more than I had last winter, and they are all new this summer.  Ugg.

Charlie V.

Ready for winter
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 11:03:19 AM »
I've got my model a engine air compressor in the shop preparing it for its annual run. I use it to blow out the water in my lawn sprinkler system.
Dave E