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Carburator cleaning and repair

  • 4 Replies
Carburator cleaning and repair
« on: April 30, 2009, 09:40:21 PM »
Unzipped the carburator off the newly acquired L today.  This tractor had not been started in eight years prior to coming home with me.  I had it running, but the carb seemed somewhat irregular.  

I found a little rust and gum in the bottom of the bowl, but not bad for eight years of standing.  Cleaned that all up.  The interesting discovery was one of the two pods of the float was loaded full of gas.  A very small crack in the brass was allowing it to leak.  After a considerable period of warming and cooling all of the gas was expelled from the inside.  I created expansion and contraction to pump this gas out of a leak so tiny the fuel would not run out.  

Now for the solder job.  The trick would be to seal the leak with minimal weight of solder on the brass.  I used a touch of paste, a pencil iron, and flat strip low temperature solder.  For a task which I have only done once or twice prior, I was pleased with the results.  Tested the repair by submerging the float approx. eight inches deep in a container of gasoline for 45 minutes. Upon removal I could detect no liquid inside when given a good shake by my ear.  Looks like it is sealed up alright.

Back together and back on the motor.  For 70+ years old, it runs quite nicely now. Next task will be two new spark plugs and cleaning the magneto points. I will post a picture or two to show repair to the float in my interesting stuff album if you wish to look.

Charlie V.

Carburator cleaning and repair
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2009, 10:14:40 AM »
Is it an early L? Does it have a Hercules or a JD engine? I think the LA's have a JD engine.
Dave E

Jd l
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2009, 05:34:09 PM »
You are correct on the engines, Dave.  This one is an L with the Hercules.  It is a 1938 or 1939.  The next to the last digit on the serial tag is partly missing.  Almost looks like someone sanded it at one time.  That number could be a 3 or it could be a 9.  There is just enough there to look like both.  If the number is a 3, it is a 1938, if a 9, it is a 1939.  If anyone knows how to get the info from Deere on where the two serial number tractors were shipped, I would like to learn the procedure. That would most likely solve the mystery.

Charlie V

Carburator cleaning and repair
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2009, 10:23:41 AM »
Two Cylinder magazine has a serial number search for John Deere tractors. They search the archives and can tell you where, when it was built and the location of the dealer it was delivered to.
It used to cost $25, but the latest issue talked about raising the cost. Here's the toll free number 1-888-782-2582, or 1-319-824-6060
Dave E

2 cyl.
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2009, 09:45:33 PM »
Thank you, Dave.  I will give that a try.
