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Western Ohio Update

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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #840 on: January 07, 2015, 01:12:47 PM »
Thats not bad Dean. Considering you need three hands to do it. Actually you could just use a "ram" mount for your camera that you have now. I've done it with my old Canon 3000. They all have the same thread mount on the base. I have one ball mount that just hose clamps onto whatever part of the machine I choose, providing it is not too big for the clamp to go around.
If the snow starts flying and melting on the camera then it is time for the Gopro.
Ralph in Sask.



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #841 on: January 08, 2015, 12:37:33 PM »
The news is saying that the American mid west is enduring some serious cold temps today so I guess Gene is staying by the stove today. Not so nice here in Sask. although it has warmed up to -5F. Unfortunately the raging Northwest winds have taken away some of the benefit . Blowing and drifting snow is making travel risky in some areas. Not quite so bad here where I have a few trees for shelter. Makes a world of difference just getting out of the wind and I got to experience it on the tractor taking a hay bale out to the feeder. Miserable trip getting there but calm and quiet in the shelter of the trees where the cattle feed.
I took this pic to try and show the sundogs that were out this morning.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #842 on: January 08, 2015, 03:44:49 PM »
Ralph, I just checked the weather at Sioux City.  25 degrees F.  pretty nice!  trouble is.........wind is from the North at 41 gusting to 50!  I have to go out and cut up some firewood and bring it into the house.  The drawn out harvest and some health problems(maybe the flu) kept me from getting that done earlier like I should have.  At least my woodshed is open to the South and I can be out of the wind.  Just need the fortitude to go out.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #843 on: January 08, 2015, 05:27:25 PM »
Good to hear from you Ron. Been under the weather myself for 3 weeks, but finally getting my strength back now. Have firewood in the woodshed trailer. Keeping warm enough now. Ralph's sundogs sure indicates the cold temperatures there. Don't even want to think about being out in his weather. The cows appreciate it though.

Sent this URL to the email list, so maybe Farmer will give us a visit here.

Charlie V and Dean Vinson will probably sign in to let us know how they are doing.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #844 on: January 08, 2015, 08:26:08 PM »
> I took this pic to try and show the sundogs that were out this morning.

Ralph, nice photo.   I'm surprised you didn't hop in the Mercury and take it out for a spin, though.  :)




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #845 on: January 08, 2015, 11:54:33 PM »
Dean, no kidding, I dream of the day I can take the Merc out on the road under it's own power. The 39 Deluxe is in the shed ready to go but I would not want to get it stuck in a snowbank with the bald old 16 inch tires it has.
I got some video uploaded to youtube showing some of the fun of feeding cattle in cold and stormy weather today. Got the Gopro strapped onto the front end loader frame. The battery held out good considering the cold. Actually the sun was shining complete with sundogs but the wind was pretty bad blowing snow around.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #846 on: January 09, 2015, 11:47:51 AM »
Yet another stellar video, Ralph.  Sitting here at the table watching you work was pretty comfortable.  I can share your open tractor rides to some degree.  For quite a few years I did all of my snow pushing with an 8N ford and later with the Farmall M. More than once I had to put on my snowmobile helmet with face shield.  The snow driven by a 40 or 50 mile wind would sting my mostly covered face and eyes too much without the shield.  Gets the job done but not always all that much fun.

Good to see some fresh faces here on this forum.  

During our coldest weather night before last we managed to stay up to +1 deg. F. here.  The wind was pretty ugly though.  Pretty steady blowing across roads even yesterday.  Just a covering of snow out there.  Seems like not more than two inches.  Trouble is that we get a new dose once or twice a day so about the time the roads get melted off by the salt, we get a new covering.  Really, considering the possibilities this time of year it ain't really bad.  Twenty deg. now with bright sun and wind off and on.  Except for the fresh new white covering it is hard to know that we were having a wild blizzard three hours ago.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #847 on: January 10, 2015, 06:21:05 PM »
Ohio finally had a little moderation in the weather. Temperature got to 15 degrees and very light winds so was finally a day to spend some time outside. Bright sun on the snow gives sun blindness. need to wear sunglasses when I go out. Brought in a couple wheel barrow loads of firewood. Forecast is for a little warmer temps then snow for Sunday afternoon and changing to freezing rain for Monday. So not out of the woods yet. Guess I will go to grocery store tomorrow morning so I can survive whatever comes my way. Being housebound the last 3 weeks has given me a touch of cabin fever. Has been nice keeping the fire going and cozy inside.

Had a serious fire and explosions at the Husky oil refinery in Lima early this morning. Videos on the news shows a pretty serious fire and explosions heard 5 miles to 10 miles away. Lima is about 35 miles northwest of me. Hope things are under control now.

Charlie will likely get some of our same weather about Tuesday or Wednesday.

Hope all are tolerating the weather.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #848 on: January 14, 2015, 11:38:17 AM »
Mighty cold night for this neighborhood.  -16.8 degrees F. by dawn.  Got one kitty in for the night and one in  at 6 AM.  The third refuses to come in at all so he roughed it.  Looks no worse for the wear.  Naturally I stayed in too.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #849 on: January 14, 2015, 03:00:05 PM »
Ralph has the warm weather now. He is basking in 32f weather this afternoon at 2:30 est. Here in Ohio is the cold spot  for the 3 of us. We are at 12f at 2:30 pm. Prediction is for some Pacific warmer air for weekend.

Has been a decent few days, even with the low temperatures. Winds have been pretty mild and have had nice sunshine. North wind keeps the temperature low. Been able to work outside some. Brought in a trailer load of firewood from the woods on Sunday, just before the sleet and freezing rain started giving about 1 inch of ice then a light snow on top of that. Monday warmed up enough to turn the ice to slush then down to zero overnight to turn it all to ice.  Tuesday got the little Case snow blower tractor running and finished mounting the blower and chains mounted on the tires, so it is ready to go. Tuesday was a cold day, but nice to be working outside and spent most of the day working outside. Bought a new battery for the Case 644 loader tractor so be able to clear some of the frozen drifts.

Farm I used to own seemed to be a magnet to stray cats and probably had at least a dozen in the barn. Set up some straw bales in the barn stall for the dogs and cats. Would go out in the cold mornings and all would be sleeping in the shelter. Would check with bare hand and would be warm as toast there.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #850 on: January 15, 2015, 10:31:24 AM »
Gene, as usual you are right on with my weather. It was warm yesterday and I had to turn off the heater in the cab of the 2090 Case while pushing snow from around the cattle shelter. The old Wisconsin (1956) auger engine started up on the second pull of the rope when I had to load some oats. Nice change from last week's freezing conditions. My 3 remaining cats live in a bale house too and seem to do just fine. They come out to eat and back inside to hibernate. Although I will see them sitting out enjoying the sun in the afternoons.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #851 on: January 15, 2015, 12:06:26 PM »
The temp got decent by mid day yesterday.  Mid 20's, bright sun, almost no wind.  My leg and hip are being pretty ugly but I pushed the issue and went out to run the blower around in not much more than four inches of snow plus a couple of other chores.  Dropped to 1 early last night but warmed up some when the clouds moved in in the AM hours.  I kept the girl kitty in again but the boys stayed out.  I have to keep the guest outdoor cats separate fron the two that live in as the do not accept strangers.

Today I have to do like Gene and visit the food store for vittles and the post office.  Probably some bills there wanting to be paid.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #852 on: January 15, 2015, 01:51:19 PM »
Temperature here at 1:30pm is 30 degrees. Bright sunshine and no wind. Sun's radiation is melting some of the ice and snow in south facing areas. Got the Case 644 loader tractor going this morning. Too much ice for the little loader to move the snow. Just scrapes on top of the ice. Had a drift between the car and truck I wanted to move. Used the square nose shovel to break up the ice and was finally able to move most of the drift. Could not break up the ice at ground level, so still have a layer of ice there, but at least I am able to walk there now. Rest of the ice will have to wait till warmer weather melts it. Not really deep enough to bother getting around. The little snow blower just scrapes the little bit of fresh snow on the top. Got in the heated shop now, so will be ready for the next big snow, but nothing in the forecast.

Don't have to go to the post office to get my bills. Nice lady leaves them in the box at the end of the driveway. Time to go check for the bills and junk mail.

Sure is nice to be able to work outside with the mild weather.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #853 on: January 25, 2015, 11:12:43 AM »
At last.  I think I have this whole thing figured out.  My friends to the West / North West do not have time to post here because they are so busy pushing their bad weather East to NY.  Actually, we have plenty of undesirable stuff here in NY, like our Governor and our Speaker of the State Assembly.  At least one finally is facing felony charges.  Lets hope his accomplice is tied in soon.  

Temperature dropped ten over night so we started at 18 F with some snow falling and enough wind to make it feel really cold.  My wife keeps wanting to make this month March so I suggested if she is going to confuse the months, how about making this May.  I could use some summer in a week or two.  On the good side of the ledger, two months of potential snow season have skidded past and I have not used the truck plow at all.  That in itself saves time and gas.  We will see if the other half of the season continues light or makes up for it.  

Hope you men are doing well and not being too overcome by cabin fever.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 11:16:18 AM by Charlie V »

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #854 on: January 25, 2015, 12:11:57 PM »
[ATTACH=CONFIG]774[/ATTACH]Charlie, no cabin fever. Weather has been pretty benign benign. Cold enough to mostly keep the ground solid, very little wind. Finally over my health issues and able to spend quality time outside and in the shop. got a few bucket projects done. Rewired the lights on my golf cart trailer, mounted a new chain box on my bumper trailer and brought a couple loads of firewood from the woods. Was going to make a video of the wood splitter today, but the snow has postponed that.

Had some wet snow on Tuesday and I was sweeping the snow off the vehicles. Was going to climb up on the motor home and sweep the snow off of it. Remembered I needed to repair one of the ladder mounts, so decided that was a good time to do that. 3 hours later I had it repaired and the snow had all melted. Got that worry behind me now.

Ralph has had pretty mild weather for his area, so I imagine he has been catching up on a lot of outside and shop projects. Checked CWSU weather a couple days ago and we were all at 32 degrees. Pretty agreeable for Ralph. Couple pictures of a cozy fire this morning.


« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 12:14:42 PM by Gene Dotson »