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Western Ohio Update

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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1035 on: July 09, 2015, 10:17:33 AM »
I know you will enjoy that new shed Gene. No doubt you have the LA hooked up to the saw by now. Hope the rain stays away for the show.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1036 on: July 09, 2015, 11:59:11 AM »
Been raining since I got here. Supposed to clear this afternoon.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1037 on: July 10, 2015, 02:24:51 AM »
Gene, we need to trade weather. It was sunny and so hot today I could hardly stand it. Up near 90 degrees. Not good for flowering canola. I took a few pictures of it this morning just in case the flowers all fall off in the heat .
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1038 on: July 16, 2015, 06:56:24 AM »
Ralph, I hope the offer is still open to trade weather.Still lots of rain here. We had rain for 3 of the 4 days at the Greenville show. Had a good day on Saturday but more rain Sunday morning. Temps cooler than normal. Have only had 1 day so far in the 80's.

Heavy rain Monday morning caused more flooding with water over running the road tile and flowing across the road. Neighbor was out Tuesday in a kayak in his field by the road. This field never got planted. Other fields in the area were not planted and more with large drowned out spots. No where for the water to go. Wheat harvest was about half done when the rains started again. Combines and straw windrows just sitting in the fields. Finally got started mowing grass yesterday. Maybe could sell it for hay? Plan to finish that today before more rain comes in tonight.

Plain City show is this weekend. I took a tractor over yesterday and will go back on Friday for the day. Tractor parade is in the evening and I always like driving in this parade. Will take my umbrella as they have predicted rain for parade time.

The canola fields are pretty in full bloom. Not any raised here now. A few years ago some tried to get a market developed here but just never went past about 2 years. Was pretty flying over the yellow fields.

Sweet corn looks like it will be ready for the reunion next week. Yesterday I ran electric wire to the patch and set up a couple lights and played a radio there to keep the coons away. Seemed to work last year so doing it again this year. The patch is about 400 feet from the barn so takes a bit of wire to get there.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 06:57:40 AM by Gene Dotson »



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1039 on: July 16, 2015, 10:13:35 AM »
Gene, I think we are ok for rain for a while now since having well over 2 inches in the past week. Actually got 6 inches in one event at my brother's farm. It has revived the grass and crops nicely. Canola still looking yellow but fading a little. My flax is just getting nice and blue this week as bloom comes full on. Took this photo yesterday morning.
Hope you don't get rain on your parade but it sure sounds like you are in a trend of rainy weather there. We were there last year for a while an it gets old.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1040 on: July 22, 2015, 07:02:02 AM »
Ralph, glad to hear you are finally getting some rain. Maybe get some hay after all.

Looks like we may finally getting a reprieve from the rain storms. Ground has been totally saturated for last 6 weeks eliminating any chance for field work. No hay being made and unable to get on the fields to do any spraying. All low spots in all fields are drowned out, and some of these ponds are impressive in size. Humidity has been running about 90 to 95 percent, so little drying. Wheat harvest is at a standstill. My second cutting alfalfa came along nicely and should have been cut 2 weeks ago but soggy field is impossible to get unto. My soybeans are doing well in spite of the excess water.

New shop has been built for a couple weeks, but the floor was saturated and could not even walk on it and every rain shower just added to the problem. Finally took the tractor with rear blade and skimmed off the top of the mud and now can finally get started grading the floor and preparing to install the concrete floor.

Family reunion is this weekend and will be heading to Kenton for 3 days with the motor home. Will harvest the sweet corn Thursday and have it at the reunion by mid afternoon. Always look forward to this family gathering.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1041 on: July 30, 2015, 12:49:28 AM »
It is almost to the point of too much rain now Gene. Five inches this week has brought the sloughs back up, creeks running and a little crop leaning over. Crazy winds gusting over 100 k yesterday but it turned nice and sunny day with temps in 70s, Took a little drive in the Merc for some pictures beside the canola.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1042 on: July 30, 2015, 05:45:45 PM »
July and summer has finally come to Ohio. Last major rain was on Sunday, July 12. A little shower on Monday morning. Weather was ideal for the family reunion last weekend. Temp in mid 80's and lots of sunshine. Good family get together. I took my sweet corn and was a big hit with everyone. Managed to keep the raccoons out of the patch till I had picked enough to feed the family. Disconnected the light and radio when I left on Thursday and by the time I got back Sunday the rascals had found the patch and helped themselves to the later planted rows

Looks like the canola is starting to turn and lose its color. Guess the flax will be right behind it? Crops here are a wide range from good corn and soybeans on higher to non-existent on the lower ground where water is still standing. Many fields never got planted. Been good weather for hay making. I mowed the second cutting last Thursday and raked and baled on Monday after I came home. No problem drying it last week. Had our first 90 degree temps of the year on Tuesday and Thursday.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1043 on: August 08, 2015, 10:51:24 PM »
I bet Gene is busy with working for that Portland show I saw mention of earlier.
Lots of rain here lately. Around six inches in the past two weeks I think. Managed to get what hay I had cut, baled. Garden is really producing and those new potatoes are sure good. Bean picking will be a frequent task for the next while.
I got the old Chevy out of the shed yesterday to get ready for today's antique car show at the local museum. The sun finally came out this morning and dried up the roads enough that I got to the show without getting the car muddy. Nice turn out of cars and some good music.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1044 on: August 09, 2015, 05:47:54 AM »
Nice picture from the car show. Looks like a bright sunny day.

Seems the weather has turned around again. We traded you our rain for your sunshine. Only a couple light showers the past month. Neighbors finally getting caught up on haymaking. Some late planted crops being sprayed and cultivated. Third cutting alfalfa starting to get a good regrowth. Would actually welcome some rain. My soybeans are looking good with pods setting nicely.

Been working on the new shop getting the floor ready for concrete and planning for the walls. Getting ready for the Portland tractor show campground. Have to go a day earlier as the grounds will be opening for camping next Friday instead of Saturday. Seems a Trace Atkins concert was flooded out earlier this summer and been rescheduled for Friday night. All the early campers que up on the fairground and would take up a lot of parking for the concert, so will be bringing them all in early. Just vision 200 campers waiting to cross the street to get a good camping spot as soon as we open the gate. We can actually accommodate about 1400 camping units.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1045 on: August 11, 2015, 11:08:24 PM »
Guess I have been hiding out lately.  Just tired and working to keep up with daily needs and not much more.  A few odd jobs done like change the oil in the zero turn and sharpen the blades.  Now I need to buy a new front tire as one goes flat about every 20 minutes.  Not so good for the level cut when one side of the deck drops an inch.  Kept bust today selling water puddles.  Yesterday pm and last night gave us 4.75 inches of new rain.  We did have nearly a week of good weather prior to that.  Not much wheat left standing now.  Combines worked hard the last two weeks.  See some great corn and some fields with up and down spots from the record wet June.  Most bean fields around here looking pretty nice.  

Worked hard a week ago Sunday with a couple of young fellas who decided they wanted to buy a 1966 Impala that I had hidden out back.  We cut some trees and a pile of grape vines out of the way to get access to the car.  They wanted to hear it turn over so hooked my jumper pack on and it turned fine.  Just a 283 cid.  Then they wanted to hear it fire.  Gas tank straps were rusted away and dropped the tank so we primed it and nothing.  No spark.  They wanted to go buy a new coil but I suggested the points were probably corroded.  These young guys had never seen ignition points and did not know where they were.  I gave them a free lesson on what a distributor is and how to file points and put them back in.  Gave the carb another prime and it fired right up for a few seconds.  

The car was totally blocked in front and rear so I loaned a 4x8 sheet of 3/4 inch plywood, two floor jacks and two air tanks so the tires could be pumped up, (three actually held air) then the back end jacked up and rolled sideways.  Then we hooked a chain from the 340 and tried to pull it out of there.  I dug a whole lot of holes in my gravel and crushed stone with the back tires.  Car would not move very much at all.  Turned out the brakes are rusted solid so the wheels will not turn.

Buy then darkness was not far off.  One of the guys had been on the phone much of the day trying to find a ride 35 or 40 miles for the car to their location.  He had no success with that.  In the end, between no ride for the car and the wheels being locked they asked to undo the deal but would leave me some $$$ for the work they caused.  I learned their plan was to enter that car in a demo derby this week so they could not wait until this last weekend and come back to work more on the move.  

They seemed like decent young men so I went along with their new deal.  I did gain a few $$$ and their free labor in digging the old Chev. out of the wilderness, not that that was on my bucket list right now.  Actually my plan for that beautiful day was to take the Mrs. and go for a long ride to who knows where.  This is the second time over the years I have sold that car but it still lives here.  I guess it just wants to stay.  Then too, I am glad it did not meet a sad end in a demo derby.  Not a good way for a 49 year old car to go out.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1046 on: August 12, 2015, 05:40:54 AM »
Wow Charlie, quite an adventure with the Impala. Seems it has found a permanent home. Neighbor had an old camping trailer parked on a hunting property he had sold and the new owner wanted it moved. Dale wanted to put it in his woods and wanted me to pull it. The brakes were frozen in it too and had to actually break the brake drums to be able to move it, but we got it moved.

Not much rain here. Had about 3/4 inch on Monday so helped dampen things some. It was a welcome shower and the crops and grass enjoyed it.

Wheat and oats are all combined and Amish have shocks of oats in the fields ready to thresh. Most are done that too.

Had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and blood tests showed a problem with my liver function. He seems concerned and scheduled appointments for an ultrasound for today and meet with specialist next Tuesday. Will have to see how this turns out.

Today is the day to move the motor home to Portland to prepare for this summer's show. Feature tractor is John Deere and this is our 50th anniversary show, so expect a good turnout. Have had some interest from prospective campers.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1047 on: August 13, 2015, 11:32:49 PM »
Charlie have you tried "tire slime" to fix that mower tire? Sounds like you had some exercise with the old Impala for nothing I guess. Although it is good for the car too. That Impala is too good to go in a derby and get wrecked. I bet you could get some good money for it from a serious car restorer . Even just as a parts car. Newer cars than that showed up at the antique car show this past weekend. I had my Chevy II out to show for the first time in a couple of years.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 09:43:54 AM by RG8800 »
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1048 on: August 14, 2015, 11:09:02 PM »
Ralph, your Chevy 2 looks real happy sitting in line by that rat rod pickup.  Nice line  up.

No, did not try slime.  I have not tested this tire in water but the sidewall is pretty seriously age cracked.  I suspect that is where it leaks.  From what I read on the Slime label it is not effective for sidewall leaks.  The sealant has to come in contact with the leak as the tire rotates so that pretty much limits it's use to the tread area. Have you used slime??  I will most likely buy a new tire on the net for twenty some dollars.  Those small tires can be a bear to change buy hand, but I have done it on others. I am tempted by a solid rubber tire all mounted on wheel but that is 80 some dollars. Will I ever get that much use on a now 12 year old machine??????  But then, just install the new wheel.  No tire changing.  Decisions, decisions.  I spend the money like it was my own.  Well,actually it is.  Bah Humbug.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1049 on: August 16, 2015, 10:14:34 AM »
Quote from: Charlie V;2729
Ralph, your Chevy 2 looks real happy sitting in line by that rat rod pickup.  Nice line  up.

No, did not try slime.  I have not tested this tire in water but the sidewall is pretty seriously age cracked.  I suspect that is where it leaks.  From what I read on the Slime label it is not effective for sidewall leaks.  The sealant has to come in contact with the leak as the tire rotates so that pretty much limits it's use to the tread area. Have you used slime??  I will most likely buy a new tire on the net for twenty some dollars.  Those small tires can be a bear to change buy hand, but I have done it on others. I am tempted by a solid rubber tire all mounted on wheel but that is 80 some dollars. Will I ever get that much use on a now 12 year old machine??????  But then, just install the new wheel.  No tire changing.  Decisions, decisions.  I spend the money like it was my own.  Well,actually it is.  Bah Humbug.


I've never tried it but have heard good things about "Slime" for sealing tires. The container I looked at cost about the same as a new inner tube though. Solid rubber tires would likely be a good option for mowers.
Ralph in Sask.