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Western Ohio Update

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Flax Cleaning
« Reply #705 on: May 21, 2014, 12:46:39 AM »
Finally got the call to bring my flax in for cleaning last Saturday so here is some video of it. Got in one day of seeding and then it rained. Quite a bit of rain although I had no gauge out to measure.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #706 on: May 21, 2014, 01:25:25 PM »
Glad to hear spring weather has finally arrived for all concerned. Has had a hard time breaking through here also. Had a few warm days 2 weeks ago that helped with drying and some planting done. Last week on Tuesday the cold weather and rain came through, just in time for the Portland swap meet. Stayed cold and windy for the entire 4 days and about 3 to 4 inches of rain. Kept the heat on in the motor home every day and night to have a place to keep warm. Daytimr highs in the 40's and nighttime in the 30's. When I left on Saturday the sun had just came out. Got home and rain gauge showed only .7 inches of welcome rain. Cold weather has slowed the emergence of my soybeans, but the warm weather the last 3 days has hel[ed them.

Field work was just getting back in the fields on Monday with a lot of corn planted Tuesday. Had rain Tuesday night and today, so will be a few days to get back in the fields. The rain will help my soybeans by softernig the crust from Last week's rain.

Have our local tractor show at Wapakoneta this weekend. Got the VC out yesterday and washed the dust and bird mess off of it and will take it over tomorrow and maybe drive in the parade tomorrow evening.

Went to dentist this morning with a broken tooth. Had to have that removed and during the extraction the tooth next to it came loose and had to be pulled too, so a little sore now. Plan to take life easy the rest of the day.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #707 on: May 23, 2014, 06:42:35 AM »
Gene, hope you didn't have trouble with the storms on Wednesday.   Torrential rain and a tiny bit of hail came through here, but at first I'd thought it was going to pass me to the north (very dark sky).  Lots of fields in the area still had big lakes of standing water as of Thursday evening, a full day later, which must surely not bode well for those that were just planted.  I'm on my way down to Dayton now to make one last (hopefully, the last) push to get my old house ready to put on the market, and will see how things look.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #708 on: May 23, 2014, 07:18:38 AM »
No Dean. No serious storms here. Have only had about 1 inch total rain in past 2 weeks. Has been ideal germination moisture, just a little cool, but coming along fine. Took my tractor to Wapak last night for the show this weekend. Not much rain there and saw some outfits in the fields on the way there and back.

Good to hear you are making progress on the transfer. I went through the same thing when I bought my place here. Took me 9 months to make the move. Lots of cleanup and improvements to make to the new place before I was ready to make thee final move. I will have to get down your way to have a look at your new place. Come up to Wapak if you get a chance this weekend.

Hopefully Ralph is getting the dry warm conditions to spend those 20 hour days in the IH getting all planted. With a little cooperating weather he can still have a good season.

Charlie must be putting a lot of time with the lawn and garden. New working parts will make working a lot more pleasant.

Forecast for the weekend is clear conditions with comfortable temperatures. Will be nice weather for the Wapak tractor show.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #709 on: May 23, 2014, 07:19:52 AM »
No Dean. No serious storms here. Have only had about 1 inch total rain in past 2 weeks. Has been ideal germination moisture, just a little cool, but coming along fine. Took my tractor to Wapak last night for the show this weekend. Not much rain there and saw some outfits in the fields on the way there and back.

Good to hear you are making progress on the transfer. I went through the same thing when I bought my place here. Took me 9 months to make the move. Lots of cleanup and improvements to make to the new place before I was ready to make thee final move. I will have to get down your way to have a look at your new place. Come up to Wapak if you get a chance this weekend.

Hopefully Ralph is getting the dry warm conditions to spend those 20 hour days in the IH getting all planted. With a little cooperating weather he can still have a good season.

Charlie must be putting a lot of time with the lawn and garden. New working parts will make working a lot more pleasant.

Forecast for the weekend is clear conditions with comfortable temperatures. Will be nice weather for the Wapak tractor show.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #710 on: May 24, 2014, 12:00:33 AM »
"Charlie must be putting a lot of time with the lawn and garden. New working parts will make working a lot more pleasant."

Hi Guys,

I know I have been slacking again, but reading every word posted.  New working parts do help. Gene, but I wish they were a lot better.  Too many days like today with a pretty high level of pain.  Not good.  Bad weather on the way in really peaks it.  I told Doris today that I think Chicken Little had it right.  She asked what I was talking about.  I replied that my leg feels like the sky really is going to fall.

Good that Gene has seed in the ground and Ralph is drying good.  Sure is not dry here.  It was announced today that three local Finger Lakes are closed to all power boating indefinitely due to high water levels  (1 1/2 feet above normal) and floating debree such as logs, stumps and most everything else in the waters.  A week ago I turned the rain gauge upright from it's winter position.  The next morning it had an even four inches or water in it. That was about two days after the Village of Penn Yan and several others nearly washed off the map.  We did not get that much from that one, but those folks were hit hard with flash floods off the surrounding hillsides.  Massive damage.  I will try to put up a few photos of our creek in town here from the next day after our four inches.  No doubt the highest it has been since Hurricane Agnes in 1972.

Other than that, busy just trying to keep up, catch up, and taking my wife to the hospital frequently for tests and x-rays.





Charlie V.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #711 on: May 27, 2014, 07:21:41 AM »
Charlie, hope you are finally drying out and Ralph is having good planting weather, so imagine he is putting in a lot of hours in the tractors. Ohio weather has been beautiful for the past week. High temps in the high 70's and low 80's and warm nights. Has been ideal weather for farmers finishing up corn planting and well into soybean planting. Some hay being made around the area. My soybeans are up and doing well.

Attended the Wapakoneta tractor show this weekend and had nice weather for it. Featured tractor was John Deere and was a good turnout of feature tractors.

Was a quiet weekend for me. Mostly stayed home. Finally got the airplane out and washed it on Sunday. Did a little sanding and painting of some areas that needed attention. Broke it out of hibernation and flew for a while Monday morning. Was a nice morning for flying. Still seeing lots of tractors and horses working in the fields.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #712 on: May 28, 2014, 08:31:44 AM »
Gene, bad luck on the rain for your tractor show , but I guess the second one made up for it. Sort of the same here. We get a good day or so in the field and then it rains and we sit and wait for drying. Every day making it a later spring. The ground is good and workable right now and I worked til dark last night. Which means I don't get a real early start in the morning but hopefully will get a good few acres in today before the next rain hits tonight.
I took this shot of the old Loadstar yesterday morning before the fields were quite dry enough. You can see by that sky it was a good drying day and I was rolling soon after.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #713 on: May 28, 2014, 10:25:02 PM »
Glad you are finally getting some field time in. Warmer sure helps with the drying process.

I got a call from my friend, Myron near New Weston needing help getting some ground ready to plant soybeans. He has gotten behind with his wife's aliments and doctor visits. Got there about 9:00am expecting to have equipment ready to run. Not so. Had to work on the harrogator for a couple hours after we dug it out of the weeds. The tractor he bought this winter has Pioneer standard hydraulic couplings and all his hoses were John Deere ends. Next had to remove parts from the cultimulcher to be welded. Went to implement dealer and got the hydraulic adapters and took part to weld shop to be welded to pick up later. Finally got to the field at 2:00pm. Was kinda nice running the John Deere 8650, especially since We had a sprinkling rain all afternoon. Not enough rain to settle the dust or run us out of the field. Coming home at 7:00pm saw lots of water in the fields from the heavy rain. Were lucky to get the day in working ground. Came home to a nice half inch in the rain gauge, so nice for my sweet corn and soybeans. Just hoed the sweet corn yesterday and side dressed with fertilizer. Good timing on that.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #714 on: May 28, 2014, 10:33:30 PM »
Didn't want to include the bad news in the last post. Got a call from my granddaughter about my Daughter who is in the hospital ICU in Philadelpha hospotal. She has cancer and now having an infection ih her stomach area coming from her liver where the cancer is. The cancer is spreading and she is very weak. Will likely be making a trip there in the next few days. Sure hoping for her condition to improve.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #715 on: May 28, 2014, 11:28:14 PM »
Gene, sorry to hear that about your daughter. I was going to complain about losing my camera somewhere in the field today but I guess that is a pretty small problem compared to yours. Hope things take a turn for the better for you and yours.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #716 on: May 29, 2014, 08:09:38 AM »

Very sorry to hear of your Daughter's illness.  Best of luck and will send a prayer or two her way.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #717 on: May 29, 2014, 10:21:28 AM »
Thanks Charlie. She has always been such a positive, active person so is hard to see her in this condition. Her attitude has always brought her through any problems. Hoping that is the case now.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #718 on: June 03, 2014, 05:02:00 PM »
See on the list that you are in Pa. today, Gene.  Best of luck to you and your Daughter.

Charlie V.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #719 on: June 03, 2014, 06:49:48 PM »
Gene, my thoughts are with you and your daughter.  I'm very sorry to hear of her cancer.
