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John Deere / Re: ATTN: John Deere Owners
« Last post by Rust lover on April 29, 2018, 01:41:32 PM »
'round the pot-bellied stove / Re: Twin calves
« Last post by SpencerYost on April 08, 2018, 11:41:43 PM »
That’s a tough one.  I hope she is taking to it.   I once saw a goat farmer rub the twin she will take with a cloth and tie it around the neck of the kid she wouldn’t  take.   Seemed like a long shot and since I was just cruising through to handle some IT stuff for the ranch manager I never heard the outcome(they had whitetail deer breeding operation I was involved with but had some pigs and goats manly owned and handled by the farm help).

Thank goodness  twin alpaca births are exceedingly rare and I don’t have to deal with it.

'round the pot-bellied stove / Twin calves
« Last post by Cecil Bearden on April 08, 2018, 10:42:53 PM »
Spent most of the day trying to get a cow to take one of her twins she abandoned this morning for some reason.  The second set of twins born since 11/5/17.  Must be the new Longhorn Bull.
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Firewood Cutting
« Last post by RG8800 on March 31, 2018, 11:17:57 PM »
I love the old buzz saws.  Here is my Cub Sawyer mounted on one of my Cubs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HJTFe_PbSk&t=0s&list=PLtp1H4xtbucLmb8p7zUMSUQiVd7kuRn3e&index=1

I have to admit that tilting table on your saw looks to work pretty well. You just needed another guy throwing away the cut blocks so they don't pile up and get in the way.
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Firewood Cutting
« Last post by Barnyard on March 31, 2018, 10:48:36 PM »
I love the old buzz saws.  Here is my Cub Sawyer mounted on one of my Cubs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HJTFe_PbSk&t=0s&list=PLtp1H4xtbucLmb8p7zUMSUQiVd7kuRn3e&index=1
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Firewood Cutting
« Last post by RG8800 on March 31, 2018, 03:44:02 PM »
You might have seen some of my youtube videos of cutting firewood with the old buzz saw powered by the Wisconsin V4 (former Case combine engine).
This one is a little different as I didn't shoot it. My nephew does some video and has his own channel so here we all are at work earlier this winter.
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Super 90 Massey
« Last post by RG8800 on March 31, 2018, 09:46:29 AM »
Always nice to view your videos. Just like Lay's potato chips, one is never enough. They just keep reappearing as long as I sit and watch.


Thanks for watching Gene. I have a few more I need to get on youtube. One of these days they might start paying me for them. :-) Cold cold Easter here this time. Near -15F this morning
but at least the sun is shining.
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Super 90 Massey
« Last post by Gene Dotson on March 31, 2018, 06:32:23 AM »
Always nice to view your videos. Just like Lay's potato chips, one is never enough. They just keep reappearing as long as I sit and watch.

ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Super 90 Massey
« Last post by RG8800 on March 31, 2018, 01:43:12 AM »
Some video I recorded last September hauling hay with the Super 90 Massey and finally got around to editing and uploading to youtube. If I'm still making hay this year I'll probably use the "new to me"
John Deere 2140 as it is nice to have a tractor with working brakes.
https://youtu.be/ohA39UnR4lM Have a look and give it a "like" if you enjoy it. Or subscribe, it doesn't cost anything.
John Deere / Re: ATTN: John Deere Owners
« Last post by SpencerYost on March 29, 2018, 11:50:52 AM »
Amazing how many G forces are in a dead stop; even at very slow speeds (-:

I love that picture of your tractor and house. 

I actually did have a John Deere concern for a while a few months ago.   The seat on my 620 suddenly seemed to tilt down toward the front of the tractor, so I was thinking the shock absorber must have gotten "sprung" or some such thing and would need to be replaced.  I ignored it for a while, intending to look into it once the weather got warmer.   But I eventually noticed (duh!) that the seat suspension arms had somehow popped free from the pins that support them on the front side of the battery box, and just needed to be set back in place.  Easy fix.  I'm not sure how they came off to begin with, but I suspect it happened when I was using the rear blade to level some ground where I'd recently burned out some big stumps... the blade caught a root and stopped forward motion of the tractor, causing (a) the front end to suddenly rise, (b) me to grab the clutch lever while cursing my stupidity, and (c) the front end to drop back down.   Must have been enough of a jolt to bounce the ends of those suspension arms off their posts.

Anyway, all's well that ends well, and the 620 is back to normal and I'm a bit wiser about use of that blade.

Dean Vinson
Saint Paris, Ohio

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