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Seeding Progress in Sask

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Seeding Progress in Sask
« on: May 27, 2011, 05:13:32 PM »
]Well it is turning into one of those slow, all day rains here so I have some time to catch up on things. Here is a video showing some of the cultivating, rock picking and planting I've been doing the past two weeks. I'm way behind normal and won't likely ever catch up now. Wet conditions caused a late start to land work. Last years flax straw to burn, anydrous to apply and no end of problems with timely delivery of anhydrous cost me a few days of valuable time which I'll never get back.
On the positive side at least all the anhydroused ground is planted and the worst weedy field (I hope) is cultivated. This rain will be great for whats already planted. Forecast is for a spell of wet weather so it may be June before I get back  to seeding.[video=youtube;-hM_6nWis50]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hM_6nWis50[/video]
Ralph in Sask.

Seeding Progress in Sask
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 10:50:42 AM »
You are turely a big time farmer compared to my growing up, amazing to me, and you take most of it for granted??



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Seeding Progress in Sask
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 03:30:35 PM »
Paul, I assure you in today's world, at least in this area, I am a small farmer and soon to be phased out swallowed up by the big operators. Its true that when I started farming with my Dad 40 years ago , a section (640 acres) was a pretty average farm and we never dreamed I might some day farm 3 times that amount.
I have no desire to become a big farmer working on borrowed money to finance the equipment and chemical companies. The equipment I work with now is nice and comfortable but I started out picking rocks by hand onto a stoneboat. I believe you have to do that to truly appreciate just how good today's equipment is.
Ralph in Sask.