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Portland 2010

  • 8 Replies
Portland 2010
« on: August 28, 2010, 12:17:16 AM »
Just a few pictures to tractors in Portland.  A big dispaly and a big crowd. The weather was great.  Many good people around the fire. Thanks to Larry Dodson, for having an air tank there. Rear tire on my 60 went down:(



Portland 2010
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2010, 07:24:24 AM »
Thanks for posting these pictures. It was a great show all week and all the A.T.I.S. members there were very generous with their help and and keeps the list members in good standing with the Tri-State club.I had my camera there but didn't take a single picture.
Saturday morning you missed a good show at the threshing area. We had a 1937 Ford truck with 2 Ford flathead V-8's powering the belt pulley. I put them on the Belle City thresher for the session. This was a favorite for the crowd and really had a good turnout. Had a 18 HP Keck-Gonnerman steam engine on the Minneapolis separator. They are always a crowd pleaser. We did not run the corn line this year as help has been hard to get to run this mant machines. Keith Kinney furnished the 2.5 HP Nuovo (sp) engine to power John Sr's 1840's groundhog hand separator and was also popular.
All in all it was a very successful show. The cooler temperatures and total absence of rain brought out record crowds every day and the parking lot was filled to overflowing every day. The tractor group had an ideal location under the trees and canopies and just across the road from the A.T.I.S. engine displays.


Portland 2010
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 09:53:08 AM »
I second the previous posts! We really enjoyed this year's Portland August Event. I purchased a few things and still returned home with some cash left in my pocket. I missed a couple of items because when I returned to buy they were gone. I also did not take pictures this year. Merton

Portland 2010
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2010, 01:29:16 PM »
Quote from: Gene Dotson;1294
We had a 1937 Ford truck with 2 Ford flathead V-8's powering the belt pulley.


Wish you had pictures of this.  Not sure if you had a 37 Ford truck with two engines or not.  Also haven't seen a Ford truck with a flat belt pulley.


Portland 2010
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2010, 01:31:39 PM »
Did anyone have a chance to talk to Spencer?

I would have been curious to find out his plans for this forum and when we can expect the next changes.

Portland 2010
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2010, 05:17:50 PM »
Quote from: GeorgeBest;1296

Wish you had pictures of this.  Not sure if you had a 37 Ford truck with two engines or not.  Also haven't seen a Ford truck with a flat belt pulley.


The grandfather of the 3 owners built up 2 of these trucks during the war to power his 3, 40 inch threshing machines. Made quick work of trips between farms and setup. Engines were mounted on the back of the 1 ton truck with radiators to the rear. Each had a 4 speed transmission and clutch powering into a modified drive axle with 2 pinions. The belt pulley was mounted on the right hand end in what would be the wheel position and extended out beyond the side of the truck with a belt pulley of about 20 inches or a little more.  Had plenty power to run the 24 inch Belle City Thresher.


Portland 2010
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2010, 05:23:52 PM »
Quote from: GeorgeBest;1297
Did anyone have a chance to talk to Spencer?

I would have been curious to find out his plans for this forum and when we can expect the next changes.
I did talk to Spencer some about the list. It is here to stay and is hoping to get more usage on here. Some naysayers on the email list have trouble accepting the changes. The future of the email list is limited. It has reached its limits of utility. Hopefully other Charlie will fade into the past.


Portland 2010
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2010, 07:51:44 AM »
Quote from: Gene Dotson;1299
I did talk to Spencer some about the list. It is here to stay and is hoping to get more usage on here. Some naysayers on the email list have trouble accepting the changes. The future of the email list is limited. It has reached its limits of utility. Hopefully other Charlie will fade into the past.



Thank you for the update.  Just my humble and uninformed opinion, but as I have previously stated, I feel the list and this forum can nicely compliment each other.  As an example of this, I would point out the nice job Paul Waugh did with posting his Portland pictures here on the forum, then llnking same to his post on the A.T.I.S list.  When this type of hand in hand becomes more accepted, the forum will have a lot more activity.

On a side note:  I attempted to add an album to my page here on the forum a few days ago, but the attempt failed so I guess I am missing something.  Perhaps this forum no longer has the ability to resize the pictures down to spec.   ???

Charlie V.

Portland 2010
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2010, 08:56:56 PM »
On a side note: I attempted to add an album to my page here on the forum a few days ago, but the attempt failed so I guess I am missing something. Perhaps this forum no longer has the ability to resize the pictures down to spec. ???
I don't know how you guys get your fancy box with previous info in them .... anyway, I cut my pictures to half size, there were roughly 500-600 kb.  I had a few more but it takes time to res isze and upload.

Like Gene said, Spencer will/can not put much more into the email list.  I think I heard him say it tooks 5 times the computer to run it, because of all the spam filters.  I got the idea as it deterates, it will not be repaired.

Once I could load pictures, I like it here, just have to reember to check it, insteasd of waititng for email. Some forum have email notification if a reply is made to your post.


I need a spell checker :((