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  • 12 Replies
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:46:01 PM »
Is the main list down, or just really slow?  I haven't gotten an e-mail for three days.  I hope the tractor world didn't cease to exist and I missed the memo.

« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 07:26:36 PM »
The list is still there. Just not much interest there anymore it seems...


« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2009, 09:39:41 PM »
Seems all ATIS traffic is down compared to a few years back. Maybe we are all expert mechanics now and only ask questions pertaining to historical data on unusual equipment.:rolleyes: I actually saw 2 real engine questions on SEL today!:eek: Seriously though I think Gene's comment about lack of interest is closest to the truth. It may also be in part to a tighter economy causing more folks staying away from shows and out of the shop.

« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2009, 06:39:10 AM »
It runs a little deeper than that, I believe. Lack of interest seems to be related to just a few individuals trying to monopolize every topic posted. They never initiate their own topic but are right there to pirate other's threads. I have addressed this a few times, but hasn't helped.
Many of the former frequent posters feel the same way. Most still lurk, but feel their posts are not appreciated or ignored altogether. I feel the same when my post receives no related responses. The ATIS community is still alive and have a good turnout for the Portland camping activity. Usually have more people than those who post anymore.
There are a lot of resources still on the list who are willing to help anyone who asks but are discouraged from helping when unrelated or erroneous messages are posted.
I still enjoy the company of the ATIS community, but am running short on ideas to keep interest of group.


« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2009, 08:16:58 AM »
They never initiate their own topic but are right there to pirate other's threads. I have addressed this a few times, but hasn't helped.
Many of the former frequent posters feel the same way. Most still lurk, but feel their posts are not appreciated or ignored altogether. I feel the same when my post receives no related responses.  -- Gene

It seems you have hit a few nails on the head, Gene. Additionally, I feel it is acceptable to be politely corrected for a mis statement, but too often, posters will shoot another post  down even if the post is absolutely correct. That really held me back earlier on.  I guess I have not seen as much of it lately.

I is nice to see some new activity here in this little ghost town.  

Charlie V.

« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2009, 09:55:03 AM »
Could it be possible that we are all just getting bored with each other? I look forward to reading all the messages and have learned quite a bit from all the list members over the years.  My recent post has generated some discussion, which I think is great.  Sometimes I feel like an idiot for asking as question, but I can't stand the "silence" and like to know I'm not the only one out there.  The reality is everyday presures make it harder and harder to do anything with my tractors, so about the only relieve I get is to talk about them on the internet with my friends, kind of a virtual tractor shop.  I'm full of stupid questions, so if nothing else, you might see more and more questions from me.:)

« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2009, 09:57:54 AM »
It used to be that everyone had to stay "on topic" , or at least have a tractor related reference. That hasn't happened in quite a while. When was Spencer's last post?
Dave E

« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2009, 05:46:18 PM »
Quote from: DaveErnst;818
When was Spencer's last post?

According to the user profile information, Spencer hasn't been around since May 1st! :confused:

Don't know what the problem is but he seems to have abandoned us rather than trying to help us grow.

Did anyone here attend the Portland show in August?  Did you see Spencer there?


« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2009, 07:47:37 PM »
Hi Guys,

People may agree or disagree with me, but the lack of interest in this forum should not be connected to Spencer.  Spencer took the time and trouble to make it available.  The forum shows 651 active members.  Of this 651, it seems that only about six of us take the time to post at all.  Where are the other 645.  Just reading?  Not around at all?  Even a couple of members who complained about no posts have not posted in a while.  What is that all about??

Personally, I had never been signed onto any forum prior to this one.  As a result, I was a little confused at first, but the format is easy to learn.  Before long it became quite easy to get around the sight, usually with a single mouse click to the next location.  It seems to me the busy sights are the ones where someone is pushing products for sale and those individuals are the forum spark plugs.  A real popular golf cart forum would be one of that type.

My only beef with this forum is that the allowed picture size is pretty small.  I speculate with the light traffic, somewhat larger pictures would not tie things up much.  But then, I know nothing about the mechanics of the forum operation.

Charlie V.

Re: A.T.I.S. list
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2009, 07:34:01 AM »
I just noticed the e-mail account where I get  ATIS posts was up to 767 messages dating back to sometime in July.  I began to delete a page at a time.  When I was down to 350, decided to arrange by name and count the active ATIS posters for that period. (note: this would include the general list and the JD list, but none of the others.)  

Results are as follows:

8/21/09 - this AM
Approx. 335 posts.
69 different posters.

Just information to consider.

Charlie V.

« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2009, 11:13:13 AM »

If you click on "Members List" you'll see there are only 135 actual members for this forum.  The thousands of members listed elsewhere include all the phoney hackers that have tried breaking the system.

Of the 135 actual members, 88 of them have not posted a single message.

I didn't check but I think there are only about a dozen of us that have a double digit number of postings on this forum since it started.  Not very good.

Yes, I'm glad that Spencer created this forum, but at the same time I also feel that he has abandoned us.  As far as I can tell the http://www.atis.net homepage hasn't been updated in years and there is still no links to the forum from http://www.atis.net.  

How are people supposed to find these forums?

A few times I've posted a link to the forums on the SEL email list which did result in a couple jumps in the real subscribers, but unfortunately almost all of the people that joined then either never posted or posted a few times and stopped.

« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2009, 02:31:21 PM »
The way I see it, this has become our own personal spot to solve all the worlds problems :) I guess it's a fine line between not having enough participation and having tons of unrelated crap like you get on some of the other web sites.

« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2009, 07:29:55 AM »
Quote from: jahaze;831
The way I see it, this has become our own personal spot to solve all the worlds problems :) I guess it's a fine line between not having enough participation and having tons of unrelated crap like you get on some of the other web sites.

I can't disagree with you or George, Joe, so I guess this one has been put to bed for now.
