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'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Charlie V on April 19, 2017, 05:05:30 PM »
Hey Ralph,

Your 730 sounds good on a cold start.  The manifold heater must work good as it did not fill the shed with blue smoke on a cold start after standing for months.  I like diesels for the way they start when properly done.  

Won't be long now before you and Gene are rolling some soil and blowing in some seed.  Maybe Gene drills his.?? As tall as the grass is now, I will be sitting on the mower.  Looks like expected rain will hold that work off a few days.  Hope yoou folks have a good spring.

'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by RG8800 on April 17, 2017, 10:06:00 AM »
My goodness, over a month passes and nobody has said a word here? I've been busy, only a little, but did find time to shoot some video while starting up the old 730 Case on the weekend. Used it to push some dead carraganna trees into a pile where I'd been hedge trimming. Started and ran as good as ever. Like it was still 1963.
'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by RG8800 on March 05, 2017, 08:39:36 PM »
Not an antique yet but it is nearly 40 years old now. Some video here from last week as I cleared snow in  the yard with the 2090 Case. Mild days , cold nights and our snow is hanging on. More predicted to fall tomorrow.
'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Gene Dotson on February 26, 2017, 07:19:28 AM »
Charlie the Shop Fox sure makes straight cuts easy but only as accurate is the measurements

Weather turned cold again yesterday. Had 28 degrees all day yesterday with snow flurries and 35 MPH winds. Not a good day to be outside. Mostly stayed in the house and enjoyed the warm fire.

Have our first 2017 directors meeting at Portland today. Got lots of items to discuss for the upcoming year.

'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by RG8800 on February 25, 2017, 08:33:29 PM »
Gene it looks like that new shop is going to be nice enough to live in. Charlie, winter has returned here as we heading down to zero tonight. Still hanging on to some of our snow but we lost some this past week. My nephew shot some drone video at their farm this past weekend and it looks pretty white from above.
'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Charlie V on February 24, 2017, 09:30:02 PM »
That looks like a nice tool, Gene.  Nice straight cuts w/o trying to follow a line.  Never have seen one before.  They tell me our February spring is about over.  Sure was nice while it lasted.  It was great to get out yesterday and start the two Hondas.  they have not been run for months and I didn't want the gas to gum in the Carburetors. been there, done that. Not much room to get the little buggers out and back in.  

'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Gene Dotson on February 24, 2017, 08:28:34 AM »
Nice day to work in the new shop yesterday. Took a few pictures of the track saw and some of the paneling. Charlie, I don't have a drywall square, but the track saw is doing a good job with some careful measurement.

'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Charlie V on February 21, 2017, 11:08:35 PM »
Hopefully, Gene, your gums will harden in time so you can get along with your teeth.  Mine never fit correctly from day one and that was the problem.  Sadly, I made a deal with the dentist where I paid him in advance to get a discount on the teeth.  Bad move as then after the fact I had no leverage to get the teeth corrected.  I think he did not like it much when I asked him if he was sure my teeth did not get mixed up with someone else s.  My brother once said I had it backward because I wore them but took them out to eat.  He thought some people did it the other way around.  I hear the implants work pretty well but I know a guy who paid 35 grand to get those about three years ago.  I will say that I managed to gum my way through a delicious Porterhouse Steak the other night.  At the price I do not do it often, but once in a while.  The secret is in the cutting.  I sort of let the knife do the chewing by cutting very thin slices.  If I cut larger (normal) bites I will think I am an Indian gal tanning leather.

It sounds like you are making great progress on the new shop.  That will be nice enough to live in when finished.  Presume you have a dry wall T square for marking out your panel cuts, or maybe with your new saw set up that is not necessary????

Sure is some good February weather.  Calling for temps. in the high 60's to 70 the rest of the week.  O;K with me but some bulb plants might sprout prematurely, then freeze off.  I am guessing the fruit growers have to worry on that too.

Hope Ralph's back has recovered.  That kind of pain can really slow a man down.  I think your Mercury will have the hard to find four inch stroke crankshaft, Ralph.

'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Gene Dotson on February 18, 2017, 01:52:44 PM »
Charlie, you are right about the dentures. Cannot eat anything with them. Back to soft foods. Only good part is that they are good looking teeth, but worthless for eating Bad part is I got the bill yesterday for almost $400.00. Have ordered some denture pads to see if they help.

Came in for dinner a few minutes ago Temp is 61 degrees and warm sunshine. Guess I can leave the jacket in the house this afternoon. Working on the paneling for the new shop. Got all the panels up that don't require cutting. Got a panel saw and guide system that I just got assembled. Typical Chinese material. Have to make a few changes to make it work. Jury still out on that.

Guess I better get out and take advantage of the weather.

'round the pot-bellied stove / Western Ohio Update
« Last post by RG8800 on February 17, 2017, 01:28:26 PM »
Quote from: Charlie V;2834
 Life is too short to put up with constant misery.   I just try not to smile too much.  

Ralph is getting some very nice footage from his drone. I keep up with them as you put them up to you tube, Ralph.  Just waiting for you to catch up with a deer herd or a pack of youes.  Is your boneyard PTO working as it should on whichever Cockshutt.


Charlie I 've had family members too that wore  their teeth in their  pocket a lot of  the time. One uncle  had  none at all and we never knew  him when he did  have  teeth. Seemed to get along just fine. I'm hanging on to almost all of mine but not sure  for  how much longer. Bone loss  is an irreversible process and it is taking  it's toll.
No progress  on the pto  as I don't want to over stress my back. It is only just starting to  feel better after lifting that pto weeks ago. I'll get some help to do the install. I'm a slow learner.
We broke some century old high temps in Sask.this week. Think it hit over 40 at  my yard. Its  nice but not normal.
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