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Closing in on 10k members!

  • 1 Replies
Closing in on 10k members!
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:14:59 PM »
I'm not proposing any contest to guess the date as I'm pretty much giving up on this forum.

I've been tempted several times to call Spencer again and tell him to just pull the plug if he's not going to support us.

Here's my rant :mad:

Spencer made the forums available to us several years ago.  But after getting it set up he basically just ignored the forums and did nothing to promote it.  Didn't even participate in the discussions or answer questions directed to him.

Then the end of last year he loads a new version of the forums and with a new Front Page with the promise of articles and all sorts of fancy stuff (which we didn't ask for).  Immediately after loading the new software he disappears again and doesn't respond to any of the questions that were posted after the software change.

I even called him on the phone towards the end of January to let him know we had problems and needed some help.  Said he was busy at the moment and would look at it later.  He's never gotten back on the forum or updated anything as far as I can tell.

Personally, I'd rather he set it back to the old software as at least we weren't bothered seeing a bunch of dummy articles that no one can use or update.

I think it is insane to provide a forum and to have no support for it.

I can't see continuing to post new topics in the engine/tractor areas while our host/moderator ignores us.

I'm not calling Spencer again, but maybe one of you can convince him to either get the new software working and add articles, or reset it back to the old forum only format, or just pull the plug and take away the fun from the hackers driving up the membership count.

336-924-6109 Spencer's home

Closing in on 10k members!
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 04:00:24 PM »
I'm of exactly the same opinion. Today is the first I've been back for about three weeks, and I see nothing has changed. Sure wish I was a little closer on the date of the 8000 contest, I could have used a little encouragement back then.
Dave E