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ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Foggy Morning
« Last post by SpencerYost on March 28, 2018, 11:52:53 PM »
That is a nice picture for sure.   Thanks for posting it!
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Foggy Morning
« Last post by Gary on March 28, 2018, 12:48:06 AM »
Great pictures and videos Ralph

Renton, WA
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Foggy Morning.
« Last post by RG8800 on March 27, 2018, 11:49:23 PM »
Nice picture Ralph. Reminds me of some of my early morning flights.
One morning after I took off from Marysville, Oh flying to Virginia, after
takeoff and turned east the ground fog was thick and could only see
the tops of the power line towers and tops of the tallest trees. The visibility
above the fog was unlimited and had a good flight to Edinburg, Va.
That must be a little exciting if you have to fly down into that fog to land Gene. I was up in it with the drone last May and was surprised to see the sun shining when I got up above the fog. You might have already
it in the video on youtube. https://youtu.be/vg6zjx37_hU 
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Foggy Morning.
« Last post by Gene Dotson on March 27, 2018, 09:39:45 PM »
Nice picture Ralph. Reminds me of some of my early morning flights.
One morning after I took off from Marysville, Oh flying to Virginia, after
takeoff and turned east the ground fog was thick and could only see
the tops of the power line towers and tops of the tallest trees. The visibility
above the fog was unlimited and had a good flight to Edinburg, Va.

ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Foggy Morning
« Last post by RG8800 on March 27, 2018, 09:18:03 PM »
It was a bright sunny and foggy morning here so I took the drone up for a picture and some video. Scared up a few deer that were feeding on the hay bales but I guess they are getting short of feed
with all the fields covered in snow. I took this shot of the old Red River Special threshing machine that sits on the hill in my pasture.
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Osage orange
« Last post by RG8800 on March 27, 2018, 09:15:05 PM »
That sounds like one tough tree and I'm glad we don't have to deal with it here. I was going to say its like our carraganna trees but they are soft wood, easy to cut down. Spread like weeds though. They were imported here years ago from Russia I believe . To be a quick growing hedge for the new settlers
farm yards. Once they get tall they tend to break down and branches die off. Takes a lot of maintenance to keep a hedge looking good. Easiest way to clear them, and any trees, is with a big bulldozer. Pile and burn.
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: Osage orange
« Last post by vinsond on March 27, 2018, 08:19:12 PM »
I have a section you can clear for me when you are done (-:   

I've considered hiring out, but to borrow a phrase from a friend of mine, "I'm expensive and slow."  Doesn't seem to be too effective as a marketing slogan.

Seriously though, that wagon was a cool find.  In a really interesting coincidence, a really neat old metal wheel (old dump rake wheel??) was found in mine.   Leaning up against a shed now for decoration[

Thanks!  I was really pleased with it.  That section of hedgerow is immediately next to what I suspect was a public road at some point in the distant past, pre-automobile, so I've enjoyed wondering whether the wagon had been parked there by some prior farmer of this land or abandoned after some serious breakdown or accident on the road.

p.s.   The osage battle continues... here's a photo from yesterday evening of two stump-removal fires shortly after I'd built them back up in their third day of existence.

Dean Vinson
Saint Paris, Ohio
John Deere / Re: ATTN: John Deere Owners
« Last post by vinsond on March 27, 2018, 08:04:11 PM »
I actually did have a John Deere concern for a while a few months ago.   The seat on my 620 suddenly seemed to tilt down toward the front of the tractor, so I was thinking the shock absorber must have gotten "sprung" or some such thing and would need to be replaced.  I ignored it for a while, intending to look into it once the weather got warmer.   But I eventually noticed (duh!) that the seat suspension arms had somehow popped free from the pins that support them on the front side of the battery box, and just needed to be set back in place.  Easy fix.  I'm not sure how they came off to begin with, but I suspect it happened when I was using the rear blade to level some ground where I'd recently burned out some big stumps... the blade caught a root and stopped forward motion of the tractor, causing (a) the front end to suddenly rise, (b) me to grab the clutch lever while cursing my stupidity, and (c) the front end to drop back down.   Must have been enough of a jolt to bounce the ends of those suspension arms off their posts.

Anyway, all's well that ends well, and the 620 is back to normal and I'm a bit wiser about use of that blade.

Dean Vinson
Saint Paris, Ohio
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: 730 Case Video
« Last post by SpencerYost on March 26, 2018, 01:25:28 PM »
Nice video Ralph - thanks!!!!

I shot a video of the 730 Case today. Not at work, just a walk around tour pointing out a few details. Its the one my uncle bought back about 1965. And the one I learned to work summerfallow with in the summer of 1970. We both survived.
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / 730 Case Video
« Last post by RG8800 on March 25, 2018, 11:23:58 PM »
I shot a video of the 730 Case today. Not at work, just a walk around tour pointing out a few details. Its the one my uncle bought back about 1965. And the one I learned to work summerfallow with in the summer of 1970. We both survived.
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