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ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: New forum
« Last post by Gene Dotson on March 23, 2018, 03:55:22 AM »
Worked, real easy.
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: New forum
« Last post by Gene Dotson on March 23, 2018, 03:50:06 AM »
Guess I will try a picture.
'round the pot-bellied stove / Re: Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Gene Dotson on March 23, 2018, 03:14:01 AM »

I see a big error on the posting time. Is this your clock or mine?

'round the pot-bellied stove / Re: Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Gene Dotson on March 23, 2018, 03:03:44 AM »
Good deal Spencer. Look forward to seeing you. Want me to save a spot for you?

Forum Technical Help / Test
« Last post by SpencerYost on March 22, 2018, 02:23:56 PM »
Forum Technical Help / New Forum
« Last post by SpencerYost on March 22, 2018, 02:19:18 PM »
In the conversion to new software (vBulletin to Simple Machines) it does appear everyone's individual avatars survived the conversion.   However, the forum headers, which include the avatar of the last poster, will not display until someone with an avatar posts to that forum.

So far, that is the only thing I can find wrong with the conversion.   Hope you folks enjoy!
'round the pot-bellied stove / Re: Western Ohio Update
« Last post by SpencerYost on March 22, 2018, 02:15:52 PM »
Guess I will try my first post on the new forum. Had made a post on the old forum at about the time of the
 changeover, but seems to have been lost in cyberspace. All the other posts are.
Been doing pretty well. My health is improving and am gaining back most of the weight ans strength I had lost.
Been able to get out and cut some firewood while the ground was frozen and dry. Getting along alright with that.
Winter was kinda hard with the cold weather and breathing problems, so wasn't able to work outside much, but
that is better.
Spring came in 4 days ago and met with 5 inches of snow on Wednesday night with 45 MPH winds, so had some
Warmer weather will melt that in short order. Haven't had much this winter.

Best of spring to all.    Gene

Great to hear from you - I plan on being at the Portland spring swap meet so I'll see you soon!
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / Re: New forum
« Last post by SpencerYost on March 22, 2018, 01:52:25 PM »
Looks good...

I did try to attach a picture and failed. Might have just been me. I couldn't find an "attach" button after picking the pic. I'll just keep working on the small learning curve.

After choosing the pic, the process of simply "Posting" will attch and upload.   Right now its being picky with file sizes - I'll fix that soon.

'round the pot-bellied stove / Re: Western Ohio Update
« Last post by Gene Dotson on March 22, 2018, 01:29:35 PM »
Guess I will try my first post on the new forum. Had made a post on the old forum at about the time of the
 changeover, but seems to have been lost in cyberspace. All the other posts are.
Been doing pretty well. My health is improving and am gaining back most of the weight ans strength I had lost.
Been able to get out and cut some firewood while the ground was frozen and dry. Getting along alright with that.
Winter was kinda hard with the cold weather and breathing problems, so wasn't able to work outside much, but
that is better.
Spring came in 4 days ago and met with 5 inches of snow on Wednesday night with 45 MPH winds, so had some
Warmer weather will melt that in short order. Haven't had much this winter.

Best of spring to all.    Gene
ATIS General Tractor Discussion / test
« Last post by chaunceyjb on March 19, 2018, 05:20:19 PM »
Looking Good Spencer!  I had no problem setting up the password and getting a login to work.

John S.
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