" All that was necessary to cause all of that was to seriously think about putting the battery back in the zero turn and starting the motor to check it out. Five steps out the door and rain started. This weather sure is touchy. "
Success, but I did it again!!! Having caused the major rainstorm yesterday by thinking about putting the battery back in, I waited until today. The sun was actually showing so I gathered up the battery and a couple of wrenches and installed it in the Exmark. Looked things over for critter nests, etc. and all appeared o.k. Hit the key and fired it up. While letting the motor run for 10 or 15 minutes to warm up, dry out, and purge the fuel system, the sun was gone and it is getting darker and darker. As I shut the mower down, picked up wrenches and put them away, the rain started. Within 15 minutes we were in the middle of yet another gully washing thunder storm. This time we were spared from the high wind, but folks were not as lucky 30 miles and more south of here. A school in Dansville NY had some serious roof damage from the wind. If there is any message in all of this, it may be that I should not even think about cutting any grass for a while to come. With wind gusts to 60 mph in today's forecast I think I will just lie low and observe.
Charlie V.