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Western Ohio Update

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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #165 on: March 10, 2012, 09:12:07 AM »
That auction looks more like a museum sale, Ralph.  It makes me wish I had the money and the means to be there. The Model AA is almost a twin to the one in our pasture lot that I drove almost a million miles when I was a kid.  I think that one was a 1928.  

20 degrees here also this morning, Gene.  We still have snow drifting down off and on.  About a new inch on the back deck from this AM, but it will not last long after tomorrow.

Charlie V.



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #166 on: March 10, 2012, 02:39:51 PM »
Quote from: Charlie V;1765
That auction looks more like a museum sale, Ralph.  It makes me wish I had the money and the means to be there. The Model AA is almost a twin to the one in our pasture lot that I drove almost a million miles when I was a kid.  I think that one was a 1928.  

20 degrees here also this morning, Gene.  We still have snow drifting down off and on.  About a new inch on the back deck from this AM, but it will not last long after tomorrow.

Charlie V.

That sale looks like it would be real nice one to attend just to look if nothing else. Its a good hour or more drive for me but I'll see whats happening.
Feeling more spring like here this morning with sunshine, no wind and in the 30s. Cattle were feeling good too.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #167 on: March 19, 2012, 08:47:13 AM »

Some gals just cannot resist showing off for the camera.  Playing a little "Bet my head is harder than your head is".


I am afraid to talk about the weather for fear that might cause it to change.  Pretty nice except for the mix of rain.

Charlie V.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #168 on: March 21, 2012, 06:06:52 AM »
Weather in my area has been very warm and dry. Record highs for the last 7 days with temps in high 70's and low 80.s. Been some heavy showers around us bt have missed here. Sunday had 2 inches only 5 miles north and not enough here to make the ground wet. Was able to work down my plowed ground over the weekend. Still have 6 weeks to planting time, but will let the ground mellow out. Amish neighbors all have their oats planted. Other farmers are applying fertilizer and lime. Everything seems more like late April.

I was leveling some low spots in the field yesterday with the Case 700 when the steering locked up. Was at end of field near the barn, but was really a chore getting it into the shop, but finally got it there. Will start working on that today.

Been feeling listless and out of sorts last couple months, so went to doctor last week. I have been diagnosed with diabetes. It is controlled by oral medicines and diet, so will have a normal life. Started medication last Thursday and now feel better than in months.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #169 on: March 22, 2012, 02:07:41 PM »
Gene, glad to hear you are feelling better now. You are ahead of us getting in the field. I was out on the trike looking for cattle yesterday and I could get around on the stubble not too bad with the big tires but its still mud everywhere. Sask. is dry on the east and wet on the west. They were hit by a big snowstorm a couple of days ago. Nothing but wind here. Talk of drought for this year is already being heard.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #170 on: March 23, 2012, 10:22:59 AM »
I agree with Ralph on the feeling better part, Gene and am sorry you have encountered that problem.  I hope continued improvement is the name of the game from this point on.  

Today is the change day from the summer weather we have been having this week.  Daffodils and bugs have been pushed ahead of normal by the unseasonable heat.  Winter wheat fields have lost the winter flattened down brownish look and are as green as a golf course.  I also noted a few fields of freshly worked ground (Like ready to seed) and saw one farmer plowing with a decent size John Deere  pulling 7 or 9 bottoms. (I am guessing here as I could not see the plow that well.  We will be colder for a while, but no below freezing is forecast until early April.

Charlie V.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #171 on: March 24, 2012, 06:29:34 AM »
Charlie and Ralph;

Yep, feeling great lately with more energy than in a while. Actually looking for things to do.

Got the steering repaired on the 700. The input steering shaft had digested the bearings and galded the shaft. When I removed the end cap, All the parts from the end of the shaft came out in the cap, including the retaining nut, bearing and thrust washers. Fortunately, I had another steering motor that I had removed because of leakage. Removed the complete shaft from this one and installed it in the good housing and had everything back together Thursday morning and had it back in the field by Thursday afternoon leveling some low areas with the driveway maintainer.

Weather starting to cool off a little this morning, down to 54 degrees and likely only get to 68 this afternoon. Light rain started yesterday afternoon and continued most of the night, but probably less than half an inch. Will be good for the planted crops, as all the oats have been planted and lots of people have started planting gardens with good condition.I actually did a little planting Thursday. I planted 2 short rows of white lupine in a corner of a field, just to see what they are like. Neighbor planted a patch and brough some of his left over seed. This crop is pretty much unheard of here and we would like to get some interest started if they will grow here.

Consignment sale is at Wapakoneta today. Hope to get over there for that. Will take my raincoat and umbrella, just in case.

Grass starting to grow wild and is begging to be mowed.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #172 on: March 28, 2012, 09:43:14 AM »
O.K.  Which one of you guys sent me this weather.  Today on Wednesday it is currently 53 degrees, and that is fine.  However yesterday morning the Temp. was only 19 degrees.  The string of 70 to 80 degree days pushed out many tree blossoms and flowers.  With the hard freeze to 19, much is lost.  A bunch of concern on the news about lost fruit crops inland away from the Lake Ontario shoreline.  Cherries in particular were mentioned.  One grower had brush pile fires burning in the orchards hoping to keep the temp. up one or two degrees and avoid loss.  Still a year of changes.  Sonny, a neighbor has mowed his lawn twice so far.  I put the battery in the Exmark and started it up to run for five minutes, but am waiting for warmer and dryer to start pouring gas through the engine.  Lawn mowing in March here is pretty much unheard of in this neck of the woods.  

Charlie V.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #173 on: March 28, 2012, 10:54:12 PM »
Yep, turned colder here too. Mowed grass last Saturday afternoon in a sweatshirt. First time I ever mowed grass in March. Tuesday had 29 degrees. Cherry tree was out in full bloom, have to wait and see if they are hurt. Apple trees just starting blooming, so probably not hurt yet. More chance of frost on Thursday and Friday night. Oats fields here are really coming along nicely. Lots of new bright green. All the neighbors got their oats planted and looking good. Got to 75 today with 35 MPH winds.

Went to local consignment sale last Saturday. Lots of machinery and junk there. Lots of people with money too. Most things went high. I bought a 200 bushel gravity wagon, rusty, but solid on a good John Deere gear for $475.00. Weren't many tractors there, maybe 12 and half were John Deere a guy was selling from his collection. Had a rain early morning, so was a little muddy, but manageable with good roads between rows. Only had a light shower at home, so was able to mow lawn in afternoon.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #174 on: March 31, 2012, 11:09:18 PM »
[ATTACH=CONFIG]614[/ATTACH]Beautiful day in Sask. for the last day of March. Temp up in the sixties with no wind and lots of sun . Nice day for a walk around the farm yard with a little visitor from town. Buds on the native poplar trees are weeks ahead of normal. At this rate I can be in the field doing something in a few days .
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #175 on: April 01, 2012, 07:01:27 AM »

Tell us more about your visitor. Family member or just friend?

After our exceptionally warm first half of March, we are back to normal temps the past week. Highs in the 40's and 50's and lows in the 30's. Had a couple thunderstorms that missed us the past couple of weeks. Has rained north and south of us, but only teaser shower here. Hope it in not setting a pattern for summer.

Soil conditions are very favorable now for primary tillage that was not able to do last fall. May have actually been some corn planted, but haven't seen for myself. Usual starting date is April 15 here. My alfalfa is growing fast. Almost a foot high now. Be ready to cut by mid May. Fruit trees are in bloom if the freeze on Wednesday didn't kill them. Went ahead and sprayed them anyhow to give them a chance. Trimmed the dead limbs off the apple trees to make it easier to mow under them. Had 2 trailer loads of limbs from them.

Checked weather yesterday afternoon and Regina was 61 degrees and here was 43 degrees. My friends in Minnesota had 66 at the same time. Need to move north for warm weather.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #176 on: April 01, 2012, 10:40:11 AM »
Quote from: Gene Dotson;1778

Tell us more about your visitor. Family member or just friend?.

Checked weather yesterday afternoon and Regina was 61 degrees and here was 43 degrees. My friends in Minnesota had 66 at the same time. Need to move north for warm weather.


Gene, the little guy is my brother's grandson and it was his first visit to the farm so it was all new to him. Cows, chickens and cats. Funny how is was warmer here than way down south. Not so nice today with a wild southeaster blowing and in the 40s. The garden is dry enough to plant potatoes but I don't know if it would be advisable yet. Sure as anything if they came up the frost would cut them down. I might just risk a few as a gamble though. Its about 3 weeks before I normally plant and I am usually one of the earliest .
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #177 on: April 01, 2012, 05:29:16 PM »
Grump! Grump!  We are out of the good weather loop here.  Snow covered ground yesterday morning, even though some had melted during the early hours from ground warmth.  It took much of the day to melt it away even with off and on rain.  Clear sky last night.  We had a nice sunrise this AM with temp at 27 deg. F.  About the time sunbeams started casting across the lawn (7AM more or less), Clouds took over and it has been rain and mist ever since.  We are currently up to a scorching 35 deg. at 5:15 PM.  After the balmy days last week, it is hard to convince myself that it is only April Fools Day.  

The Auction sounds like it was an enjoyable day, Gene.  I guess that is a sure sign of Spring.  I stay away from those events these days.  I do not need anything else following me home. Grin.

Charlie V.



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #178 on: April 02, 2012, 02:01:21 AM »
Just to brag a little, it was so warm and dry here this weekend that I rototilled part of the garden and set up a line for potatos . Didn't put the seed in the ground yet but might tomorrow. That would be almost a month earlier than normal. Auction sale season starts this week. [ATTACH=CONFIG]615[/ATTACH]
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 02:12:46 AM by RG8800 »
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #179 on: April 02, 2012, 08:39:54 AM »
That is O.K., Ralph.  Glad to see you getting some good weather.  You folks in Sask. sure pay your dues most of the time.  Daylight here came with 31 degrees along with 98% humidity.  The good news is we are looking at bright sunshine all day and heading to the high 40's.  We sure need some drying up as everything is dripping water out there.  I like that garden ground.  Not a stone or a lump in sight and finely worked soil.  I am guessing about 100 years worth of manure and straw have gone into that garden plot.  Not a bad self portrait either.

Charlie V.