I think the ball fruit jars used to be about as standard in American households as the first floor. I have a few with the glass lid that used the rubber ring for seal, prior to the pop down tin lid style. My Mom did a lot of canning when I was a boy. I used to work with a poacher and his wife who canned enough venison each fall to feed the family for the whole year.
The weather here has been similar to Ohio for the past week or so. We got a one day break today and made a high of 42. ( that is 42 F on the plus side of the goose egg, Ralph.)
I bought a 10 K / 8K generator the other day that should arrive in about a week by truck. Lift gate delivery is pretty pricey so although I wanted it, I passed. My plan now is to back my 20 foot trailer up to the delivery trailer to bring the generator down my eight foot ramps onto it. That should reduce the amount of drop enough to make it doable. Today seemed like the day to rescue my trailer from way out back. If the ground should thaw I might not be able to get it until May. I thought the tires might be frozen into the ground, and they were. After I hooked up I gave it a try and the truck just spun tires. All four truck tires were sitting on packed snow. I went a got eight gallons of hot water and started pouring a quart or two around each trailer tire, then waiting. The water was not able to soak down under the tires through the ground frost. The next step was a good heavy crow bar. Picked a whole beside each tire so the water could soak. Still not getting far, so picked along the outside of all four tires and kept adding more water periodically. Then I got the bar under the tire treads front and back and flexed the rubber as much as I could. Being 12 ply tires and cold they do not flex much. After a good hour and one half I was considering giving up on the trailer retrieval. Gave it one more try with lightly bumping ahead and back, and walla--out it came and we were off to the driveway and hard ground where it will not freeze in. Here are pics of where it was sitting.