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Fruit Of The Earth

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Fruit Of The Earth
« on: April 28, 2010, 08:29:02 AM »
Just a hello to anyone who might stop by this forum.

Charlie V.

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2010, 11:22:46 AM »

I was wondering if everyone had given up on this forum.
Until Spencer decides to support the forum I'm not starting new threads, but will respond to postings if any are made.

 Nice plate of apples from 2004.  Not sure how our crop will be this year, as I don't think we had very good weather during pollination time.


Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2010, 12:27:05 PM »
Hi George,

I see your posts from time to time on the tractor list.  I am still reading my monthly W.A.I.T.  Thanks again.

I do not know Spencer, but as in the past I still have to come to his defense.  I guess Spencer did eventually achieve a temporary fix to the picture problem (although I did not find an option to post the apples directly to this forum without a link, as we could previously).  Aside from that about all he can do is improve the visibility of this forum from the ATIS page.  My feeling is that it is up to the users to keep the threads active and interesting so readers and posters will want to visit.  It is apparent that folks on the tractor lists prefer lists to a forum, as has been stated numerous times over on the general list. Beyond that, this forum is like a new little supermarket across the road from a Wally  World super center.  The competition from similar long established forums is overwhelming.  As Ralph Goff has stated, he gets more bang for the buck on a couple of those forums where he has participated for several years and has a number of long established buddies.  There is nothing wrong with that and many people have limited internet hours to devote.

Having said that, I had hopes that this forum might become the hang out for at least ten or twelve regulars where chat could occur enjoyably in a cozy atmosphere  and perhaps without some of the knuckleheads the more active forums seem to attract.  I guess that is not happening.  I do not assign blame for the existing status .  Life is what it is.

Good to hear from you,

Charlie V.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 09:44:34 PM by Charlie V »

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2010, 07:09:19 PM »
Hi Charlie;
Good to see some life here. I check almost daily for any new threads. Disappointed most days though.

My apple trees are in full bloom right now and starting to drop the petals. Had a frost this morning, so don't know it it will damage them. It was 32 degrees this morning. Cherry trees bloomed over 2 weeks ago and starting to show small fruit. Will try to get the trees all sprayed tomorrow

Been a busy spring for me and don't even have any crops to plant. Got all mine in wheat. Just got caught up with the mowing today. The rain over the weekend really woke up the grass. Been working on my hay wagons. Got 3 ready to go and building a new bed for the fourth one. Don't really need 4 but the running gears were cheap and just need a little torch and welding work. Guy I bought the 2 gears from has another that I will get. May get them all fixed and put a couple out for sale.

Had a little mishap on Monday. Was helping am Amish man load scrap matal on my trailer when he pushed on his end and knocked me backward off the traile onto my back on the manure covered concrete. Must have hit mostly on my left shoulder, so it has been pretty tender last couple of days. No serious damage though. Maybe the manure helped cushion the fall.

Let's get this forum woke up!!!!!

Gene in De Graff, Ohio

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2010, 07:42:02 AM »
Hi Gene,

It sounds like you are working too hard.  Best wishes on a fast recovery of your shoulder.  You should stop letting people push you around like that (grin).  I used to move items from time to time with the help of a man who was such a bull that he would push me all over the place along with the item and did not even know he was doing it.  It sure was a lot harder than having two guys working together.  From the few prices I have seen on hay wagons, your work there is most likely a worth while endeavor.  I would like to see a picture of the new Hickory floor when done if you can.  I am not a woodworker, but I really like all wood products.  

I mowed lawn twice in April so far.  The rain you had on the week end was here Monday and Tuesday so we have not dried up enough yet to mow again.  Along with that the wind has been up to 40 MPH and not too friendly.  My tractors have been ignored this month.  I have some extra cars and trucks to part with, so as much as I am able, I have been trying to get some of them more salable.  My work time is limited because I am still wimping around with the w/o hip joint.   At any rate, with the beautiful weather we have enjoyed for much of this month, it is just wonderful to be out of doors.

You may have seen this before, but here are a couple of shots of the new White Oak deck which I installed on my trailer in '07.

Charlie V.

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2010, 04:32:07 PM »
Good to see a little life here.  I also check the front page almost everyday to see if there are any new postings.

I am glad that Spencer did fix one of the photo problems so I can now upload pictures again.  But I still think it is poor having a front page that he set up and then never made it relavent to the forum or gave anyone the permissions to update anything.  **** poor support if you ask me ;-)

Last weekend I hired a Mexican to help me clear all the blackberries out from behind my polebarn and help gather up scrap metal to donate to the club I belong to.  I think he thought it was going   to be a big job since the berry patch was the full width of the 60' pole barn and went out a good 30 to 40 feet behind the barn.  Had a couple tractors, buzz saw, tractor parts, junk, etc. that were covered over.

He was a bit surprised when I brought the Bobcat with grapple rack around and started ripping out the berry vines and building a burn pile.  Super handy for removing blackberries and unwanted brush.

I'll have to look and see if I have any pictures to post.


Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2010, 10:17:49 PM »
Pictures, George, pictures and more pictures.  In case anyone hasn't already figured it out, I like pictures.  I hope that someday before I reach 90 years of age I will learn to read the words too.

Charlie V.

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2010, 10:41:36 AM »

I remembered that I already loaded a picture of the Bobcat with grapple rake in my photo album.

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2010, 08:18:03 AM »
I do remember this picture, George.  That unit looks like it will do a stroke of business.  The operator looks pretty well at home in the machine as well.

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2010, 01:22:11 PM »
Quote from: Charlie V;1208
Hi Gene,

It sounds like you are working too hard.  Best wishes on a fast recovery of your shoulder.  You should stop letting people push you around like that (grin).  I used to move items from time to time with the help of a man who was such a bull that he would push me all over the place along with the item and did not even know he was doing it.  It sure was a lot harder than having two guys working together.  From the few prices I have seen on hay wagons, your work there is most likely a worth while endeavor.  I would like to see a picture of the new Hickory floor when done if you can.  I am not a woodworker, but I really like all wood products.  

Charlie V.

I remember the pctures when you posted them earlier. Nice looking floor. White oak is not real common in my area and local sawed is usually spoken for. Red oak and black oak is more common here and I have some nice ones in my woods.

I finished The wagon floor and rear standard this morning. Turned out pretty well for using warped and unevenly sawed lumber. I will get some pictures this afternoon and post them on Photobucket and my photo album here. Need to learn how to post with my messages, but am intimidated to learn.

Shoulder is doing much better. Still a little tender when my arm is extended out front. Works fine elevated or down. Just have to remember to drink my coffee with my right hand.




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« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2010, 11:57:48 AM »
Well its good to see some activity here finally. I had not checked in for about a month. Been nothing happening for so long that I quit looking and spent most of my time over at red power or new ag talk. Not that I've had any time to spare for most of this month. Between anhydrousing and planting crops its been long days in the field for me.
Gene, good to see your recovering from that fall with no serious injuries. Falling on concrete is always bad. I think I permanently injured my back some 12 years ago when I fell backwards off my seed drills and landed across a steel pipe. Trying to move a little slower and more carefully as tilme goes by.
Charlie, those apples look great and ours (crabapples) are starting to bloom here.
I took this pic of the planting equipment a week ago while filling up the air seeder.
Ralph in Sask.

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2010, 04:52:24 PM »
My three apple trees were in fulll bloom a week or so ago, but yesterday and today it's snowing!
Dave E

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2010, 08:54:00 PM »
Sure will be a nice courtesy if you keep that cold West of the Mississippi, Dave.  We are promised temps pushing 90 later this week.  I do not need it that warm, but do not want to see snow much before December.

Charlie V.



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Cold here too
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2010, 02:16:34 AM »
Quote from: Charlie V;1224
Sure will be a nice courtesy if you keep that cold West of the Mississippi, Dave.  We are promised temps pushing 90 later this week.  I do not need it that warm, but do not want to see snow much before December.

Charlie V.

It was cold here too. I finally got the little JD lawn tractor going for the overdue first cutting in the yard but it was so cold that I had to dress up for winter. Parka and earflaps. Hands were so stiff from the cold when I finished. Last week it was so hot that I couldn't wait to turn on the AC in the tractor. Today I'd have appreciated a cab and heater on the lawn tractor. :confused:
Ralph in Sask.

Fruit Of The Earth
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2010, 07:39:18 AM »
Very nice picture, Ralph.  I am sure some air seeders are used in this area, but I have never seen one.  With the field size we had when I was a kid, the rig you have there would have been in two lots at the same time. (grins).  There was a lot of ground being planted here last week.  I suspect much of it will grow into corn.  The winter wheat looks to be growing well.  I notice several places where first cutting alfalfa has already been taken off.  Usually first cutting hay is mid June to third week.  The alfalfa I saw down and being cut looked to be only about a foot tall but very clean, so maybe that is what the early cutting is all about.  I have cut lawn six times so far and that is above normal, so it is a good growing year here.  The weather guy claims we are down one inch of rain from average, but most things are ahead regardless.  The warm temps have pushed everything along.  My thermometer was parked on 88.4 most of yesterday afternoon and that is not exposed to any sunshine.

Charlie V.