I haven't been part of the ATIS tractor list in many years. Mostly since I became primarily a engine collector. I've been on the engine list for years and must say that the email list is just barely hanging on compared to what was posted years ago.
Although I kind of like email lists it is obvious that discussion forums have taken over. At the time ATIS was created there were many people that only had email access and could not access the internet. I think those days are pretty well over and don't know if there is anyone with only email access.
Wouldn't bother me if Spencer pulled the plug on the email lists, but I'm sure that is not likely to happen as long as a couple people are still using the lists.
It does bother me that Spencer hasn't done more to promote this forum or even included a link to it from the ATIS website. But guess that he is either too busy or has his own reasons for letting these forums attract more hobby people.
We do seem to attract a fair number of bogus members though.:rolleyes: