First, Gene, I wish to express my condolences re: the loss of your friend, Frank. Bandy may understands the situation, but at the very least I am sure he is picking up on your emotions and sharing them with you.
Scamp is the one with the stare. Lady was quite statuesque and poised. She always sat straight arrow like the statues of sitting lions that some folks have at the end of their driveways. Lady was normal size for her breed with an adult weight of 55-60 Lbs. Scamp on the other hand may have been the runt of the litter of about six pups. Her adult weight maintained at 45 lbs. and she was a firecracker waiting to go off. Their names fit them quite well. If you looked at scamp and said "boo", she would charge. She was a living coil spring waiting to be sprung. It took a while for me to break her of the habit of rushing you and crashing head first into your legs. Eventually she learned to stop or go around, but it didn't come easy. With her extra size and weight, Lady was pretty much the "boss dog". One day at maybe four years old Scamp decided she had had enough and stood her ground. It cost her a small scar on her face, but I think she gained some respect.
It seems you have caught the Autumn weather that Ralph had last year. We had a run of no rain the last part of last week and on the weekend. Sunday was a bonus day for December in the mid 50's and mostly sunny. I had to get out and get a few more winter ready chores taken care of. This will make Ralph chuckle when he reads it. I tried to loop out on the lawn with my three wheeled handicap scooter and promptly buried the back wheels. I had to get off the thing, switch it out of drive gear and pull it to higher ground by hand. Ralph thought it was pretty bad last spring when I nearly got the lawn mower stuck. With saturated clay about everywhere, I can get anything stuck now. Today we have had rain off and on all day, heavier tonight. About the same is promised for the week except Wednesday.
Charlie V.