Close on me, Gene, but if you used Greater Rochester international it would be some closer distance wise. We will typically be two to five degrees lower than GRI shows this time of year, depending on wind. Right now for example, GRI shows 9 and we have 5. Good likely hood we will be near 0 by morning. In the late spring when Lake Ontario water temp. is colder than out land temp., we might often be that same two to five degrees above the airport reading. I guess that few degrees of influence from a large body of water is the reason for the fruit belt near the lake. During hot summer months it can be ten degrees cooler within a couple miles of the Ontario shoreline. We all know how the wind blowing across the water in winter can manufacture snow. At any rate, you stay pretty close with your airport map. If I had any brains at all I would go visit my brother in Phoenix Az. or my old friend Charlie Farmer in the Florida panhandle. Last night, however I noticed Charlie was in the mid 30's but at least his day temp. today was near 60.