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Western Ohio Update

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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1065 on: October 14, 2015, 10:15:14 PM »
Gene, just got done posting and saw you'd also posted tonight.  Hope all goes smoothly with your procedure tomorrow.  And I bet your shop is shaping up to be first-rate.   Cleaning up, reconfiguring, and properly equipping my shop is on my list as well...seems to be a long list, though.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1066 on: October 16, 2015, 06:43:16 AM »
Had the hospital procedure done yesterday. Results were not what we were expecting. The test did not reveal any blockage. There was some rough roughness apparent in the duct. Thoughts by both the doctor and me were possibly a small stone that had actually worked its way through to allow the duct to open up. This is consistent with my lessening of symptoms the few days. Next doctor appointment is Oct 29, so will see what the prospects are.

Weather has turned colder here. Actually had frost on Thursday morning and colder for this weekend. Worked the Case 970 and chisel plow the last 2 evenings. Ground is dry and hard, but the chisel is fracturing the soil well. Worked till dark last night when I broke a mount bracket for one of the shanks. Will likely have a hard time finding parts for this old Graham Hoeme machine. May have to make a mount for it.

Should be able to haul the last 2 loads of Amish corn today and have that job done. Plan to pour the concrete in the new shop on Wednesday or Thursday. Weather promises to be a little warmer by then.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1067 on: October 16, 2015, 06:38:36 PM »
Good for you for passing your duct exam, Gene.  So glad to hear that all was clear.  I think I mentioned previously that I had a golf ball size stone removed from my common duct back in '78.  I was in the hospital two weeks for that surgery and do not want to do it again.

Good luck to you on the concrete pour.  Any heating and such in the floor, or just floor.??

Charlie V.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1068 on: October 20, 2015, 10:03:10 PM »
The way these critters keep multiplying makes me wish they were beef cattle.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1069 on: October 20, 2015, 10:23:51 PM »
Charlie, roger that.  I've got five new arrivals myself.  The mother is a mostly-wild barn cat that escaped my grasp last time I tried to catch her to take her to the vet to get spayed.  Got another appointment in a week or so and will try again.   Her kittens look about the same size as those in your photo, and by now I can't catch them either.



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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1070 on: October 22, 2015, 02:24:36 AM »
Quote from: Charlie V;2749
The way these critters keep multiplying makes me wish they were beef cattle.

Just the opposite here. All I have are 3 tom cats and they could use some company.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1071 on: October 22, 2015, 07:32:19 AM »
No cat population at Mockingbird hill. Guess there is nothing here to attract them. Neighbor's cats do a lot of hunting in the hay field, so probably helps to keep the mouse population down. Other neighbor's dogs are frequent hunters too.

Concrete contractor coming this morning to survey the new shop for the concrete. Hope to pour that tomorrow. Good weather for concrete work with high today of 70 degrees and 65 for tomorrow.

Got the chisel plowing done last week and turned out well. Glad to have that done.

Truck has had a few problems this week that required attention. Monday was parked in the driveway when I noticed a puddle of anti-freeze under the engine. Water pump had started leaking so put a new one on it that afternoon and Tuesday while working under it I noticed a lot of free play in the left front u-joint. Got new u-joints for it and started taking it apart. Never had such a hard time getting it apart with everything rusted together. Once I got it apart with a lot of heating with the rosebud torch, I was able to clean and grease everything so reassembly was much easier.

Still have more corn to haul. Amish have not done any husking since last week, so have to wait on them for the last few loads.

Health wise I am doing pretty good. Still Have some of the same symptoms, but they seem to be getting better.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1072 on: October 31, 2015, 11:23:33 AM »
Quote from: Gene Dotson;2752

Health wise I am doing pretty good. Still Have some of the same symptoms, but they seem to be getting better.


Thats the main thing Gene. I try to think of that when I'm complaining about the constant lousy weather and the 130 acres of flax still in the field. It could be worse. Glad you are getting along ok.
We got one nice day this week and it was yesterday. I was able to finish cleaning out the cattle shelter and haul five loads of sand/gravel. Field trail to the gravel pit was a little soft but the old IH only made a few ruts and never got stuck. Slow, soaking rain hit again last night . We actually had a little wet snow early in the week. I don't have much hope anymore of getting that flax this fall but never say never.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1073 on: November 01, 2015, 09:04:45 AM »
Ralph, I hope you get a window to get the rest of the flax harvested. Weather here has been very favorable for harvesting corn and soybeans. Ground has been dry and hard and able to support the combines and trucks without any problems. Semi-trucks can go anywhere in the fields. Finally got some rain by mid week that was much needed. Some fall tillage was waiting for some moisture to improve the conditions and the 2 inches of slow steady rain was perfect  for that.

My doctor's appointment on Thursday  turned a new possibility for my condition. He thinks it may be sclerosis of the liver, so now I have to have another biopsy done in December. He believes it will be treated medically and no surgery. Just have to keep hanging on.

Sadly, I lost an older brother yesterday. Edsel was 79 years old. He had rheumatic fever at 8 years old and had been fighting an ailing heart all his life. This finally caused a shut down of his kidneys that claimed him. Edsel was the best natural mechanic I have ever known and ran a repair garage for 45 years, that is now operated by his son.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1074 on: November 06, 2015, 08:25:32 PM »
Gene, sorry to hear about the loss of your brother.
We had wet snow here a couple of days ago but most of it has melted by now.
Ralph in Sask.

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1075 on: November 08, 2015, 01:20:42 PM »

My condolences on the passing of your brother Edsel.  Does not sound like he let psychical difficulties hold him back.  

On another subject, I frequently look for some pictures of the new shop floor but have not found them.  Hope it turned out well.


 The truck looks as stately in a little snow as it does in bright sunshine.  A lot of resemblance to the '51 Ford  3/4 ton I used to use to haul corn ensilage  to the barn when I worked on the dairy farm. My Father had a '47 Ford for a number of years during my kidhood.  That one ended up belonging to my older brother and moved to Arizona with him in about 1962.  Carried all of his belongings.

This past week was a weather bonus for us.  Broke high temp. records three days in a row and tied the record on the fourth day.  Tons of sunshine with mid 70's F.  Just perfect weather to take a trip or get outdoor chores done before winter. The bad news my leg and hip have been too mean to use a lot and my wife  has been sick so I mostly needed to stay in with her.  It sure can be a frustration to see the last  few summer like days passing me by but great to spend the little time I could out there.  


It has not been a good week for my cat population. Lost two to traffic in the road, one being the Momma on the three little yellow kittens and just of very loving kitty.  Never saw her go in the road and did not find her there but she was only about 20 feet away and I am assuming.  The other was a big longhair grey tiger with four white boots and a white chest, born last May 15.  He two was a nice friendly cat.  The ones that eat my food but won't come near me survive.  Humph!


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1076 on: November 09, 2015, 08:12:27 PM »
Thanks for the thoughts on my brother Edsel. The turnout for his viewing was beyond belief. Edsel was involved in so many interests in his life. He was a collector of Packards and was a prominent member of the Packard club. He showed a 1955 Packard 400 and was a consistent first place winner with this club. Edsel was also the service agent for all the club members. Many of the Packard club members were at his services. Could go on all day with his accomplishments.

My oldest grandson was married on Sunday. Had a nice ceremony at a large public farm near Canton, Ohio. Was nice weather all day.

Charlie wants some pictures of my concrete floor so took a few more pictures of it today. Was kinda dark, but May be be able to make out the images.


« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 08:59:28 PM by Gene Dotson »

Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1077 on: November 12, 2015, 11:43:39 PM »
Thank you for the pictures, Gene.  That concrete sure looks very nice.  Do you ever open the building up and just stand and admire it?  I would.


Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1078 on: November 13, 2015, 07:05:49 AM »
Yes, Charlie, I do look and admire the concrete. Will be the nicest floor I have ever had. Been spending a lot of time on it putting in studs for the insulation and paneling. Have a long way to go to finish. I initiated the concrete last week when I changed the oil in my Jeep. Got a few drips on the floor, but with the sealer and a little soap and water it cleaned up nice.

Had a very windy day yesterday with wind gusts of 60 mph. Not a good day to be outside, but nice working inside the new shop. Weather is turning colder, so I guess fall is here.

Wapakoneta tractor club has their fall swap meet today and tomorrow. Will go over to see what is there and do a little visiting. Forecast is for cold temps and 30 mph winds, so may not stay very long. Have to stay for dinner as they always have a good meal.




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Western Ohio Update
« Reply #1079 on: November 16, 2015, 10:28:41 AM »
That will be a nice floor to work on Gene. My partial concrete floor in the workshop is rough, cracked and damaged by road salt in places but still a lot better than dirt . I don't worry about spilling oil or anything on it now.
Snow melted here. Then we got a little more. That melted. Now it is pretty muddy and a mess in the fields. Creeks are running. Most unusual. Here is a harvest video of this year's combining. Back when it was sunny and relatively dry.
Ralph in Sask.