I haven't been active much on the list this year, either this one or the email list, but I do like to check in from time to time. The email list is familiar and easy. This one, like any other web-based forum, requires me to take the time to visit the website--and consequently I don't often do it. Not that it's hard or anything, it's just that life is busy and before I know it another week or month has gone by and I haven't logged in. Same thing happens with some other hobby forums in which I participate--my activity level rises and falls in cycles, and lately I haven't been doing much on any of them. Nor have I gotten the Super M out recently, and now cold weather has snuck up on us. It's still a fine-looking machine and warms my heart every time I go in or out of the garage, but I haven't had anything to post about it since the tractor show in Xenia last fall. (It was good to see you then, Gene.)
On the activity front, I'm happy to report that my son returns home from college this evening for winter break, and he seems to be enjoying it and doing very well, really feeling like he's in the right place. My daughter is still high-school age but looking forward to graduation in a couple years--she's not much of a cold-weather fan and hopes to go to school out in Arizona, where she was born and where her grandmother still lives. We'll see--that's still a few years away. I also have a kitchen renovation project to finish, which has been stuck on 99% done for several months now... doggone those last little pieces of trim!
Given the subject line of "Christmas Surprise," I'll close with my Christmas card photo from last year, which some of you will recall. That nice old workhorse M in the photo has gone on to a new owner to make way for the Super M, but I still miss it.
Good tidings, gentlemen--
Dean Vinson
Dayton, Ohio